Chapter 10: In Command

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Shortly after being accepted into Delta Force, John Hawke was assigned to lead a team from A Squadron. He knew the responsibility was immense; Delta was not just an elite force, it was the elite within the elite, and commanding a team there meant being in charge of the most delicate and dangerous operations, where success or failure could change the course of global conflicts.

John had already demonstrated an above-average performance in testing, but now he was about to be tested on the real battlefield. With his abilities enhanced by the super-soldier serum, he knew he would have to balance the use of these capabilities.

John's first mission as leader was a counter-insurgency operation in a hostile, mountainous region of the Middle East. Intelligence had indicated the presence of a high-value terrorist leader hiding in a fortified compound. The mission was simple, but extremely complex in its execution: infiltrate, eliminate the target and extract the team without being detected.

At the briefing, the Major of the Delta unit entered the room with maps and satellite images, pointing out the enemy positions.

"Hawke, this is your first mission as commander," the Major said, staring at him. "I know you are capable of leading this operation. The target is dangerous, but you and your team have more than enough training to handle it. Remember, success depends on precision. No room for error."

John nodded, attentive to the details. He studied the map with almost surgical precision, memorizing each infiltration route and each extraction point. His now enhanced mind processed the information quickly, as if he were creating an attack plan on the fly.

"Understood, sir," John replied firmly. "My team is ready for it."

The infiltration took place at night. John and his team moved in absolute silence, advancing through the mountains, crossing uneven and rocky terrain. The chill of the night mixed with the tension in the air, but John felt strangely calm. His senses were heightened, and he could pick out sounds and movement in the distance with almost supernatural clarity.

As they approached the compound, John waved his hand, signaling for his team to halt. He crouched low, scanning the area through night-vision binoculars. The guards patrolled in predictable patterns, and the shortest path into the facility would require pinpoint precision. He began issuing orders.

"Alpha 3, you will neutralize the guards in the east tower. Alpha 4, keep your eyes on the north corridor. We have a five-minute window to enter and exit. Stay alert. No noise. No civilian targets."

His commands were calm, clear, and concise, and his team obeyed without question. There was something about the way John led that inspired absolute confidence. His presence was calming, yet at the same time, it exuded an unusual power. He didn't just know the battlefield, he mastered every aspect of it.

The team moved like a shadow, eliminating the guards with silent precision. John's every move was quick and efficient. At one point, as they advanced deeper into the compound, a guard who should have been out of position appeared out of nowhere. Without hesitation, John threw a punch with a force and speed that sent him crashing into the wall, unconscious.

"Damn it, Hawke," Alpha 3 whispered in awe. "You hit him like a truck." John just smirked and gestured to continue. There was no time for explanations.

After a quick and effective infiltration, John and his team reached the target, eliminating the insurgent leader without raising an alarm. The extraction was equally silent and efficient. In less than 30 minutes, the mission was complete, and the team was on their way to the secure base.

Back at the base, the Major was waiting for them. His face showed an expression of approval as he greeted them.

"Mission accomplished with perfection, Hawke. Well done," the Major said, shaking John's hand. "Your decisions were impeccable. I will make a note of that in the report. Delta has just gained an even more capable leader.

"Thank you, sir," John replied, but deep down, he knew that part of his success was due to the serum coursing through his veins. However, he would never allow that to diminish his commitment to being a dedicated leader for his team."

Meanwhile, in another corner of the world, S.H.I.E.L.D. was watching. In Nick Fury's office, the organization's Director was studying the operation report with great interest. S.H.I.E.L.D. was always on the lookout for soldiers and special operations who could be useful in protecting the world from global threats. S.H.I.E.L.D.'s intelligence team had identified John Hawke as someone to monitor.

Phil Coulson walked into Fury's office, a file in his hand.

"Director, we have new details on Captain John Hawke", Coulson said, handing over the file. "This last mission in the Middle East drew a lot of attention. Delta Team was impeccable, but Hawke's behavior was... strange. He demonstrated strength and speed that are not normal."

Fury opened the file and read for a few minutes in silence. He had heard about John before, especially after Hawke visited Peggy Carter. Now, his suspicions were growing.

"Do you think he was enhanced?" Fury asked, without taking his eyes off the report.

"Everything indicates that he was. The way he moves, the strength with which he neutralized a guard... it's something we've seen before. Something similar to Steve Rogers," Coulson replied.

Fury looked up thoughtfully. He leaned back in his chair, considering the implications of this. If Hawke really had been enhanced with a super-soldier serum, he could be a key player in future S.H.I.E.L.D. operations. But what worried Fury most was the source of this enhancement. Who was behind this? And why just Hawke?

"Keep an eye on him, Coulson. I want to know every move he makes, every mission he leads. If this guy is what he seems to be, he could be a great ally... or a great problem," Fury ordered.

Coulson nodded, leaving the room. He knew that S.H.I.E.L.D. would have to approach John at some point, but for now, they would keep their distance and just observe.

Back at base, John was in the locker room, having talked to his men and made sure everyone was okay. He felt the weight of his new position as team leader, but he also knew that his capabilities put him in a prominent position.

He was beginning to realize that sooner or later, questions would arise from both his superiors and others. However, he also knew that he needed to stay focused. His skills made him different, but he was still a soldier, and his mission was to protect his team and complete the operations successfully.

Looking in the mirror, John saw his reflection. He looked bigger, stronger, more imposing. His once normal hands could now break bones with ease. His mind, sharper than ever before, processed tactics with astonishing speed. He was, without a doubt, a different soldier now.

But what worried him most was the responsibility that came with it. Being a super soldier meant carrying a burden, and John knew that his decisions, more than ever, would have global consequences.

As John continued his journey as the leader of one of Delta's most deadly and effective teams, S.H.I.E.L.D. watched closely, waiting for the right moment to close in. They knew that John Hawke was much more than just an elite soldier; he was a force that could change the course of many battles to come.

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