Street Smart

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Let me start out by saying this is kinda a play off of the hit films "Freaky Friday" an "The Change Up" enjoy.

"What do you mean you don't know where the money went!? it's your fucking job! why the hell do I even have employees! you are all useless!"

The CEO of Kaiba Corp yelled, his temper more foul then ever, he was stressed beyond belief an his lazy good for nothing staff was only bringing out his bad mood more.

He grabbed the papers from the quivering man, "S-Sorry Mr. Kaiba we're are doing our Be-" he was cut of mid sentence by the cold blue eyes of the brunette, "doing your best! if you fools were even halfway there i'd laugh because you all are a bunch of fucktards!"

He threw the papers back at him in anger, a low growl slipping past his lips. "M-Mr. Kaiba I'm sorry sir." he kneeled down picking up the scattered papers as the brunette walked away without another word.

"What the hell do I even have you around for?!"

A mans voice shouts, the blonde ducked as a glass bottle was being thrown. "You're useless! you hear me! A fucking waste of space in my home!" he continued to yell.

The younger male growled, "yea well atleast I ain't a drunk!" he had no fear when speaking to his father knowing the same thing would always happen in the end, he'd take a few blows an the old man would pass out, no big deal.

"What'd you say you little piece of shit! how dare you talk to your father like that?!" the man stumbled towards the blonde, Jou held his breath waiting for the pain.

"You're no father of mine you lazy son of bit-" his sentince was cut short by the sound of knuckles meeting his jaw.

He stumbled back slightly, chuckling. "That all ya got old man? ya hit like a damn girl!"

His words angered the older brunette, yes brunette! his mother was the beautiful blonde bombshell who walked out on his sorry ass years ago, why she didn't take her son was always a mystery.

Jou's father swung at his son once more hitting the boys eye this time around, he grunted in pain suprised that his own father would stoop so low as to punch him on the eye, of all places!

"Shut ya up now didn't I boy?" he smirked, Jou's father wasn't your typical drunk, he had slicked back brown locks an facial hair sum what, his eyes where brown like his sons.

He did not own a beer gut, instead he was blessed with a six pack, he was strong! built for being the way he was, Jou rubbed his swollen eye groaning.

"Talk back to me again an I'll make sure you stay in bed the next day!" he threatened while leaving the house, probably to a titty bar, disgusting human being.

The blonde walked into the family bathroom taking a good look at himself in the mirror, a bruise had alrwady formed over his swollen eye, how am I supposed to hide this!? He thought.

Quickly looking at his watch he realized he only had half an hour before school started, he ran into his room slipping into his school uniform.

What am I to do? I can't let my friends see my face like this! especially money bags! I'll never hear the end of it!

He grabbed his bookbag sighing, out off all days to get punched it had to land on a Monday! he still had the whole week to deal with his problem, at least on the weekends he could hide away in his room.

The blonde walked over to his dresser pulling out some cover up, It was his only way to make it seem like nothing even happened, it was embarrassing, the fact he wore makeup.

"'s as good as it's gonna get.." he let out a tired sigh an walked out of the house.

" almost ready?" A young boys voice echoed. The brunette straightened himself, looking into the mirror.

I don't even know why I attend this school, its pointless really, I'm smarter then the teachers there dammit!

He let out an aggrivated sigh taking hold of the handle of his briefcase meeting his anxious little brother at the end of the staircase, at least his smiling face made his morning most days.

Mokuba cheerfully greeted his older brother, whether the brunette could see it or not the boy looked up to him, to Mokuba, Seto was his hero, the man had it all in Mokubas eyes.

Fame, Fortune and brains! in the end thats all you really need, at least that's what thier step Father Gozaburo drilled into thier brains, especially Setos.

The Kaiba brothers got into the limo, Mokuba sat there with a smile, staring at the older male who seemed to be in a different world. Seto would always seem to zone out.

The ride to school was awkward an silent, something Mokuba should be used to but always seemed to make him feel uncomfortable.

The limo rolled to a stop as thier chauffeur opened the door, The older Kaiba stepped out first followed by the spunky Ravenette.

The blonde noticed the CEO as he sneered, stupid rich boys here now huh. it's not like he hated him, he just reallllly disliked the brunette.

The Kaiba Brothers made there way into the school yard, The younger lad ran off to meet up with his friends while the elder continued to walk past the group of dweebs, or thats what he called them.

He didn't hesitate to slam his upper arm into the blondes shoulder, "hey watch were ya walking Jerk!" Jou yelled as he glared up at the brunette who only returned such a gaze.

"Sorry your life held such little importance it's like you barley exsist." he looked the blonde over, "someone like you, no one would see.." he growled walking away without another word.

The blonde was about to tackle the other male until Tristan grabbed ahold of him. "Jou just let the jackass be!" he grunted out, trying to restrain the thrashing teenager.

"I'm gonna murda' dat asshole!" he yelled out. "Always pickin' on me! thinkin' he's da best!" he continued.

The CEO made is way into the classroom, always early, never late. He sighed taking his seat.

Why do I even attend this school, I'm beyond the level...why am I wasting my time sitting listening to a teacher who doesn't know shit! maybe I should just walk out while she's talking..that would be amusing. I think I'll do that..

He smirked as he thought about his plan, the bell rung its annoying little chime, students flooded the halls an made there way into thier classes, unfortunately for the brunette the Dumb blonde was in this class.

Jou walked into the class laughing at a joke that Tristan was telling, he wrinkled his nose, just thinking about the blonde made him cringe.

Why the hell is he in my thoughts in the first place!

It angered him, once everyone had taken thier seats the annoying broad walked in an began lecturing.

I can't take this shit any longer!

Without any word he stood an walked out, the teacher went silent, the students stared. Seto slammed the door.

Jou could feel his blood boiling, the teacher went back to talking like nothing even happened, Jou was about to flip the table! In fact.

He did.

"This is bullshit!" He yelled, gripping the rim an flipping his table in one swift movement Startling the teacher.

"Why da hell does Mr. CEO get ta leave an not get his ass chewed out for it huh?! It's complete bullshit! I'm outta here!"

And with that statement he walked out following the brunette, he was so pissed he was gonna deck the rich snob, he didn't give a shit what the conciquenes would be.

"Yo rich boy! you think ya can do what eva' the hell ya want! Just cuz ya the CEO of a big company! Ya think ya can do as you damn well please an not get shit from no body!"

He grabbed the brunette by his shoulder spinning him around, Setos eyes widen slightly, "ya think you can do anything ya want don't ya!! like ya the boss of everyone! " Jou yelled at him.

Seto's eyes narrowed. "who the hell do you think you are, you don't ever touch me mutt! If you fucking touch me agian I'll fucking murder you!" He threatened.

"ya, ya I have heard it all before moneybags! Ya have no idea the things I've been through, ya lousy threat doesn't mean shit." He felt his hands clenching into tight fists.

"Oh please Mutt save your sob story for someone who actually gives a shit about you!" he turned away.

"That's it!" he tackled the Brunette, their bodies crashing to the floor. "Get the hell off me!" Seto growled as Jou started throwing hard Punches. "Ya think your da best! ya think It doesn't fucking hurt me when ya tell my life aint worth shit!"

By now people start to surround them, Yugi had a worried look upon his face, "Jounouchi please stop fighting!" he screamed in horror, never has he seen this side of his best friend.

Full of rage Jou continued to strike the brunette, any morals he had flew out the window, He didn't care if he was kicked out of the damn school he'd been waiting for this moment.

Seto shielded his face, arms crossed like an "X" as he fought back,

"I fucking hate you money bags! I hate you so much!"

Setos eyes fill with anger, the blonde felt knuckles hit his jaw, a pained grunt escaping his lips, "will you quit bitching mutt! nobody cares about your terrible life! you think its fucking easy being me!" he snapped.

"I know your life is way easier then mine shitbag!" he responded raising a fist.

"fuck you! you know nothing damn dog!" he drew back his arm.

The sound of bones shattering echo throughout the courtyard, time seemed to have froze as saphire eyes meet chocolate colored ones, an for the briefest of moments the two had a connection, people stared in shock as both boys knocked eachother out, there unconscious bodies hit the ground.

Tristan ran over to The blonde picking him up quickly, A little raven haired boy runs over to his big brother pulling out his cell.



They were out, a worried little brother an concerned friend stare at eachother, a sigh escaping Tristans lips, "alright everyone shows over!" He yelled turning an walking away, carrying his best friend home.

Mokuba sat there waiting for thier buttler, he soon arrived walking over to Kaiba, picking him up an setting him into the limo.


"Seto...Seto...hey? Big brother..?" a childs voice rung out.

W-Where the hell am I?

He sat up looking around. Big gray concerned eyes look up at him, "thank goodness you're okay." He spoke gently holding onto his hand.

Mokuba? what the hell? Why am I at Kaibas?!

His eyes widen when he realized he was in Setos bed, oh god...oh god no! what the fuck is going on!?

He jumped out of bed. "Does Kaiba know I'm here?! oh god!!" he yelled.

My voice! that ain't my voice! shit..what the fuck!?

Mokuba looked at him confused. "What are you talking about big brother?"

Big brother?! what! is all just one big fucked up dream! it has to be!?

"Maybe you should lay back down? you look paler then usual Seto.." Mokuba walked over grabbing his hand.

No..this..this can't...

"I have to go to the bathroom!!" he quickly pulled away from the younger Kaiba, he ran into the bathroom and what he saw next made him nearly faint.


Jou quickly runs back into the room, closet?! where's his closet!? He ran into a hallway that opened up into a large space, damn money bags it's like a fucking store in here!

He grabbed a plain navy blue shirt an slipped into some faded jeans, an lastly slipping into some boots.

He ran out of the house, "shit it will take forever to get to he other side of town!" he ruffled his messy brown locks, "Mr. Kaiba can I take you somewhere?" he spun around almost in a panicked state.

"yea.." he gave him his adress an quickly got into the limo, I've never felt so ruch, pfft..fucking jerk.

He sighed his foot bouncing like crazy, still not sure if this was real or not, only way to find out was to see for himself.


A large muscular man busts threw the door startling the boy, he sat up quickly.

The hell?! what the hell is going on? why the hell am I here? What is this shit hole!!?

"I said get up you useless piece of shit!" the man grabbed the boy by his upper arm.

"ow! Hey fucker that hurts ya know!"

What the hell?

"Shut up!" He threw him, he rolled on the floor hitting the wall.

The hell is this guys problem!

"I don't know who da hell ya are!!" he grunted in pain as he tried to get up, his body hurt, like he'd been running a million miles.

"Don't play fucking stupid Jounouchi! now get ready for school!" he slammed the door an left the house.

The fuck?!

He quickly found his way into the family bathroom.


He couldn't help it he screamed. followed by fainting.

The limo pulled up to a shabby apartment complex, The brunette got out an ran to the front door, forgetting that he wasn't him an quickly ran inside looking around.

Dads gone, thank god.

"Yo money bags! where are you!?" he shouted walking down the short hallway, he heard groaning and opened up the bathroom, "what the hell?"

The blonde sat up rubbing the back of his head, "Just a was all..just a.." his eyes widen as he looked up at his own self.

"dream.." he whispered.

"aww no it is true!" the brunette grabbed his own body by his shirt collar, shaking it vigorously. "Ahh! Hey what da hell ya doing Mutt!" he growled.

"Get the hell out of my body you asshole!"

"Get outta mine!"

"Is that how I really sound!?"

"Yea ya sound like a fuckin' idiot!"

"At least I don't sound like I've been smoking all my life!"

They both had eachothers by thier throats.

What happened next was something they where both gonna have to figure out, otherwise they'll be stuck in eachothers shoes..forever.

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