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Mentions of insecure
Bad words (lmk if I miss anything)
My best friend was out Practicing for there next comeback I was waiting for him because he said he had something to show me I didn't know what he was going to show me but I had to be patient even though I wasn't.
I got ready and put something cute and casual.

i heard the door unlocked from my door, yes he has a key and I trust him because we been friends since high school but we never get to see each other a lot often since he always so busy. "Hey Y/N"
Seungmin said, "hey Minnie how was practice?"
"It was good but very tiring anyways that's not the point come on let's go",he grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the door he locked the door and took me to his car I couldn't drive because well let's just say I didn't pass. We drive to a park there was lights all around the park it was big but not a big park. He took me to a little picnic that was laying on the green grass we sat down on the blanket that was laying below us he smiled at me I smiled to but I covered it but then drop my smile because I remember back in college people will make fun of my smile I really don't know why but it affect me so now I'm insecure.Seungmin will always say I have the best smile in the world but I never really believed him.

I was walking thru the hallways I saw seungmin on my locker I went too him "hey seungmin" I said,"hey Y/N are you done with English," he asked me "Yep I just finished but I got a lot of homework tho" I sigh , "it's ok little kiddo you got it", I gave him a side eye "HEY I'M NOT A KID! I'M JUST A HALF YOUNGER THEN YOU"! I shouted, "whatever you say little girl but you still a kid for me"he patted my head. I gave him a disgusted look I have to stop hanging out with hyunjin We started to laugh and my smile came out but when a group of girls came by and noticed my smile they started saying stuff and that's when my smiled went down, "ew look at her smile it's so ugly"a girl said which I think is the leader of the friend group
"I know right she looks like a weirdo she should just cover it up"one of her friends said they all started to laugh and went off to there class i put my head down and started to cry ugh I hate crying it makes me looks like a baby.Seungmin pulled me to a hug I started to cry more. "Hey shhh Y/N its ok don't listen to them your smile is so beautiful"

He comforted me. And that's the reason why I cover it.

"Y/N earth to little girl" he said I snapped back to my thoughts I was having, "oh sorry I was thinking about something and I already told you I'm not a little girl I'm just a year younger then you" he smiled "anyway why did your  smile went down you know you have one of th-" I cut him off because I already knew what he was going to say and I had enough of him saying that "anyway why did you bring me here", "Oh yea I wanted to Ummm say something", he had a hint of nervousness and scared at the same time "well what is it than don't tell me when it was that time where Jeongin and me were fighting over a-"
" what? no!" I chuckled " what I'm trying to say is...I-I like you Ok"he said he had blush coming from his puppy cheeks.Ok when he said that I was literally blushing like crazy yea I liked him since high school yes you heard me I liked him for so long.

I was so scared to confess to Y/N because I knew she didn't like me but it was worth a shot.we been best friends since high school so maybe she only thought about me as a friend.what I love about her is her smile but when I mentioned her smile is pretty or perfect she will cut me off or just change the subject I just really want her to know she does have a pretty smile. So when she cut me off because I was going to say you know I was going to confess to her " oh yea I wanted to umm say something" I told her " what is it then don't tell me it was the time when me and jeongin and me were fighting over a-" I cut her off " what? No!" I was nervous but whatever Seungmin you got this " what I'm trying to say is... I-I like you ok" I just know I was blushing wait No! I probably look like a fucking tomato it was a little awkward but when I looked up I saw her blushing like crazy. Like hella crazy probably worse then me but it was kinda funny

You guys were blushing it was all silent but you broke the silence "well I uhh actually like you too maybe a little too much but I been liking you for a long time and I didn't know you liked me because I thought you think of me as a friend and nothing else but I guess I was wrong" you said you started to smile,"there is my smile that I love"Seungmin said he pulled you into the biggest hug ever.
"Y/N?" Yea?" "Will you be my girlfriend?" He said hesitating,"is that even a question" You chuckled "of course I will be your girlfriend" you both laugh and hug again.he kiss you on the lips and You of course kissed him back
"Y/N never take off or cover your smile it's the prettiest smile ever."
"Mhm ok " you smiled and pecked him on the cheek.that is you new chapter of your new life and you guys are ready to what is going to happen in the future.
Hey kids sorry I like to call people kids anyway this is my frist ever one shot story and I kinda liked how it went I been busy tomorrow I get out from school finally I don't have to do no more school because it was literally so tiring.

How was it?did you like it?
For me I Like it not the best compare to the other one shots I read but I'm kinda happy of what I did.please tell me if you liked it or not(:

Request are still open if you have a suggestion I will gladly do a story out of it.
And thank you again stay safe and hope you have a good summer break💗

And a little reminder that your smile is so pretty don't let no one tell you it's ugly because it's not this actually happened to me so I don't want y'all to go thru that please take care of yourself love you


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