chapter forty-nine

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"Jenny," I hear Owen whisper as I slowly start to wake up. "Are you ever gonna wake up?"

I'm not awake enough to formulate a response, so I just let out a big sigh and roll over. While turned out to be a mistake, because I accidentally hit his head with mine. This wakes me up really quickly.

"Oh no, are you okay?" I ask, backing up from him. He rubs his head where I hit him, but luckily, he doesn't look like he's in that much pain.

"Yeah, I'm okay," he reassures me. "Hey, come here, don't leave." He grabs my waist and pulls me back towards him so that my head is now laying on his chest.

"Sorry, O. Didn't mean to knock you out like that."

"It's all good, bugaboo. It was really funny seeing how fast you woke up once you hit me," he laughs.

I bury my face in my hands. "I'm sorry," I groan.

"Jenny, it's okay," he says, taking my hands off of my face. He presses a kiss to my forehead and starts running his fingers through my hair. "What are the plans for today? You know this place. Anywhere exciting we can go?"

"I'm not sure. I don't know what we could do around here. There is this really cute retro diner place about ten minutes away that I would love to show you and Sav. But it's a pretty small town, not much to do."

"I don't mind. As long as I'm spending time with you, I'm good. And I'm sure Savannah feels the same."

"I mean... I do have my car now, so I can drive you both around and show you around a bit. Not much else to do."

"Like I said, anything is fine with me. But as of right now, I don't exactly wanna get out of this bed," he smiles. "It's nice to finally wake up beside you again. You're really cute when you're asleep, by the way."

"Yes, you like to remind me," I grin. "But I am totally okay with staying in bed for a bit longer. I've missed your cuddles."

"Jenny, this is such a weird question so I apologize in advance, but I am genuinely curious," he says, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. "Is your love language physical touch? I feel like it is."

"Yeah, I think it is," I respond. "I mean, I didn't get much affection as a child, and I guess the lack of affection has manifested itself in my, you know, need to be cuddled or touched all the time."

"I kind of figured. I don't mind it, though. I like holding you," he smiles. "I think my love language is quality time. I don't care what we're doing or where we're at, I just like being with you and spending time with you."

"That's sweet, O," I grin.

We stay silent for a while after that, until Owen offers to do my hair again. Of course I let him, and he does an amazing job. Still don't know how he manages to do it.

"Do you like it?" he asks as he watches me look in my mirror.

"Of course. Thank you," I say, coming back to sit right in front of him on my bed.

"You're welcome," he smiles. "Can I pick out your clothes for today too?"

"Go for it. My hoodies and sweatshirts are all hanging up in my closet. Leggings are in the bottom right drawer."

"I feel like all you wear every day is just a new legging and hoodie combo," he laughs as he rummages through my closet.

"Very true. But sometimes I change it up and wear sweatpants instead," I point out.

He rolls his eyes and eventually pulls out one of my green sweatshirts with flowers on it, and he grabs my favorite pair of leggings off of my dresser and sits them down on my bed.

"Bam, am I great or what?"

"Amazing," I say sarcastically, just to mess with him. He gives me an offended look and I give him a nose scrunch in response. "It's good, Owen. That sweatshirt is really soft, so I'm not complaining."

"Good. Now, get dressed. It's almost lunchtime, we're gonna get weird looks from your aunt and Sav if we're not out of the room soon."

"Good point," I say, grabbing the clothes and head into my bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I quickly change into the outfit Owen picked out, which is actually very comfortable, and I come back out to see that he's changed too.

"I outdid myself on this one," he smiles, looking at my outfit. "You look beautiful. I mean, you always do, but you get the point."

"Thanks, Owen," I laugh. "Now, come on." I grab his hand and start to pull him towards the door, but he stops me.

"One more thing," he says, pressing his lips to mine for a quick second. "Okay, now we can go."

I pull him out of my room and down the hall into the kitchen, where Aunt Lauren is currently putting away dishes.

"You people sleep in late. Savannah still isn't even up yet, I haven't seen her come out of her room or heard any noise from there."

"Really? Savannah always gets up at a decent time," I say.

"Well, we did have a really rough flight here. Well, not rough, but annoying. She's probably tired," Owen reasons.

"I can go try to get her up, but I'll feel bad. She never sleeps in this late, I'd feel bad for disturbing her," I say. "But I do want to take you both out around town today."

"Go wake her up, I'm sure she won't mind. She probably would if it was me, but you're a different story," Owen smiles. I take his advice and walk down the hallway to where Sav's room is. I knock quietly before walking in, to see that she's still asleep.

I go over and gently shake her shoulder. "Sav? You okay?"

She rolls over and stretches as she slowly opens her eyes. "Yeah," she says quietly. "Just really tired. Don't wanna get up. This comforter- it's like sleeping on a cloud. Need to know where your aunt got it."

She didn't half make sense, but that's how it always is when you wake her up.

"I was thinking, I could drive you and Owen around town today. Show you both around. Just wanted to see if you were gonna ever get out of bed so that we could do so," I chuckle.

"Yeah, I'm coming," she responds. I watch her as she stretches some more before finally getting out of bed, and I leave her room after she walks into her bathroom.

"Is she up?" Owen asks whenever I walk back into the kitchen.

"She is now."

Owen and I talk a bit more with Aunt Lauren before Savannah walks in. She still looks half-asleep, but at least she's no longer in her pajamas.

Aunt Lauren makes us a nice, nutritional lunch of macaroni and cheese and chicken nuggets before we leave. Savannah agrees to sit in the back, and Owen sits in the passenger side beside me. I turn on my car playlist, and mentally prepare myself to show my friends around my hometown.

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