Now that I thought of it,why bother have a tattoo when I would be judged for it."Sakura?"Kazuya asked me as I snapped out of my thoughts."Hm?"I responded."What is it?"He asked me.I took a sip of the tea that Tsuki made me,almost spitting it out in shock."Oh no,"I say as Saki looks up from her phone."Mr Kazuya,Behind you!"She says,worriedly.He turns as his face darkens.How did Hikari and his goons find us and nevertheless, Kiyoka, Yuka, Mira,and Nami followed.
"There she is!"Mira said in a smug look."You killer!"Yuka said in pure anger."Don't you dare insult her,"Kazu says as he got up."Kazuya,Please don't,"I say as he turns to me. "You are housing a basic fugitive and you don't bother to report it,"Kiyoka scoffed.Just as Kazuya was going to almost slap him,five darts past by,hitting the five in the neck as they fell to the floor.We turn looking in shock,"Hey Mr Han!"."Don't worry,I am sure it was an accident,"He says as he shoots me a glare."It was, I promise,"I say as I explain everything to Mr Han and Mr Yonshi.
"See,Accident.How dare those girls bully you for simply tutoring a boy,such a hassle,"He says as I thank him as Tsuki starts washing out my hair.I decided to get rid of my dyed hair and go to my normal light brown hair as she removed my contacts.Tsuki respected my decision to return to normal."I'll be back,"Kazuya says as we nod, going back to chat.Kazuya came back 15 minutes later as he looked more relaxed.I noticed a red spot on his neck as I cleaned it."You clumsy boy. Always getting juice on your neck,"I say as I went to change as the three chatted about something.
I got changed into some shorts,a pink shirt and white sneakers as I put my hair into a ponytail.I skipped out in joy."Hey Sakura,"Saki asked me.I look up from my phone with a smile."Do you remember what you did?"She asked me."I only remember coming here and remember smelling this weird lavender,cucumber smell and now just this,did I do something wrong?"I ask them."No,I just thought you lost your memories already," She chuckled."Of course not!"I chuckled as I fixed my makeup in the mirror.
"Now if I do remember,There is a meeting soon!"I say,waving my phone as I stood at the door. They looked at their phones."Shoot!Time really does fly,"Kazu says as I chuckle."See and you lose track of time,"I sigh as we start walking to the temple.As usual,I give a bow to Mr Katō,Our main leader as he smiled."You aren't in your normal yukata,"He says,slightly surprised."Ah,I had an accident at school and my uniform was destroyed so I didn't have time to change,I promise next time,"I assure him as I start to explain but I can't remember what happened when I pushed Yuri.
(For reference,it's warm season so you will wear yukata during warm seasons since it's less layers and you wear kimonos during cold seasons because of the more layers,hope this helps!)
"Ah,Typical bullies.Just for tutoring her lover,I truly despise jealous women for unreasonable things,"He scoffs."How is Mrs Katō?"I ask him. "She is doing well,always asking for you,"He chuckled."Well,I will need that cookie recipe from her,"I chuckled."Ah,You chosen well, Kazuya,"He said as Kazu chuckled."Thanks,Mr Katō,"He thanked him before we walk to our spot.The meeting went on as normal as we were soon dismissed.We were walking back when a cop car stops near us.
"May we help you,Officer?"I ask him."Yes, Earlier today we found the bodies of five classmates of yours,we were wondering if you had any clue of the names?"He says as I was truly shocked."Oh,That truly is sad but officer, we were at the mall,"I say as he sigh,taking a nod."I understand but do have any clue who could have it out for any of them,"He says as he showed me pictures."Oh,Him!He usually comes in late to class and is really mean to his friends so maybe them?"I say as he nods.
"Thank you,Have a nice day!"He says before driving off."Well that's sad,I can't imagine what they did to deserve this,"I say as we kept walking."Well clearly the criminal is deranged," Kazuya says as I nod.We return home after saying bye to Saki and Tsuki as I put my clothes away."Ahh,So tired,"I say as I leave the bathroom,in my pajamas."Hey Kazuya,"I say as he sat on the bed,looking up from his phone."Is something wrong?"He asked me."You didn't do it,did you?"I ask him,referring to the incident earlier.After seeing those pictures,It just looked like his doing.
"Of course not,Why would I do that?"He says as he noticed my worried expression.He gently placed a hand on my cheek."Please promise me,I wouldn't do it.If I did,I would've been in jail,"He says as I smiled."I know it's just sad to think classmates in our school were killed just like that,"I say as he turn his phone off,placing it on the nightstand as he turns to me."I know but let's just focus on academics,You want to graduate, don't you?"He asked me.
(If I made it sound confusing at the beginning, school in Japan ends March 31st and right now it's February 10th!)
"School ends in like a month,"I sigh."And a special woman's 18th birthday is in four days," He adds as I smiled."Yeah but yours was the 28th and I feel bad for not celebrating it,"I pout a bit."It's fine,I'm sure you will repay it in the future,"He assured me."Yeah,I guess so,"I say, slowly getting sleepy.
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