Chapter 6: Saved

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Dustin and Suzie are sharing a huge hug. "I will miss you." Suzie whispers to him.
"I will miss you too, Suzie poo." he cries. They let go of the hug, and she steps onto the plane, waving to him.
"It'll be okay." Mike says, patting him on the back. "It's easy for you to say!" Dustin says, "You get to see your girlfriend again tonight!"
"Hey! You're lucky I came! Actually, I'm the only one that came!"
Dustin hugs him, beginning to cry again. Mike rolls his eyes.
"She didn't even stay to help us save the world."

The party has a big New Year's Eve party together at Dustin's house. They have so much fun, and countdown at 11:59.
Mike and Eleven share a New Year's kiss, as well as Lucas and Max.
"El! Wake up!" Joyce nudges her.
Eleven wakes up. "What?"
"It's time to go catch our flight! We save Hopper today.. or tomorrow."
Eleven springs out of her bed. "Finally!" she yells. "It feels like it's been forever."
Eleven gets into her blue shirt and black sweatpants and her white chucks, and brushes her hair and teeth.
"Let's go." she demands, standing at the front door.
"I'm not even ready yet!" Joyce yells from up stairs. "I'm still brushing my teeth!"
"Well hurry up!" Eleven yells, "This isn't a joke!"
"I know! Jeez!" Joyce rinses her mouth and and dries off her toothbrush.
She runs down stairs, and grabs her coat. "What are we waiting for?"
Eleven turns around and opens the door, hopping in the car.
They drive about a mile until they finally get to the airport.
They sit there for about 25 minutes waiting for the plane.
"It's here!" Joyce says as the plane pulls up out of no where.
"Yes!" Eleven says.
They get up off of the ground and onto the plane.
Eleven sits down as Joyce puts their luggage up in the storage department.
Eleven closes her eyes, but suddenly she gets a really weird feeling. She quickly opens them and turns around. Jonathan and Nancy are a few seats behind them. Eleven quickly ducks down.
"Joyce!" she whispers, grabbing her and pulling her down. "They're here!"
"Aww.. shit! Why? We took their tickets!" She peeps over and looks, and ducks down again. "A whole 11 hours of this crap!"
Eleven reaches her hand up, and closes the storage department above them. "What do we do?" she asks.
"Just stay down here!" Joyce whispers, "And do not let them know we are here."
"I know!" Eleven says, "But what if they try hurting people?"
"I don't think they will." Joyce says, "They are too busy trying to get to Russia. I don't know why, though."
"Yeah, me neither." Eleven whispers.


"Leave me alone!" Hopper screams, as the Russian walks into his room.
"твоя очередь сегодня!" the man yells. (It's your turn today!")
"I.. I don't know what you are saying!" Hopper yells, as he plays with his very long beard.
The man throws an apple at him, and walks out.
"I don't want an apple!"


Mike wakes up, and looks at Dustin, who is on the floor. "Dustin, wake up!" he yells.
"What?!" Dustin frets, quickly waking up. "Why'd you wake me up?"
"I don't know." Mike says, "I just felt like it." Out of know where, a raspy voice begins to go off. "Dustin, do you hear that?"
"What? Your annoying ass voice? Yes!"
"No!" Mike yells, "The voice."
Dustin listens closely. "Yeah." he says, finally catching on to the voice.
They look at each other. "Russian." they say at the same time.
"Is it that walky talky that you stole back in July?" Mike asks, as the voice continues to go off.
"Yes!" Dustin says, "But I don't remember where I put it!"
"Over here." Mike says, following the noise.
He opens the big toy box that Dustin for some reason still has, and grabs the walky talky. The voice has stopped.
"Oh, yeah." Dustin says, "I left it in this toy box right here."
"You're a dip shit!" Mike yells, slamming the toy box shut. "We need to take it to Robin. She knows Russian."
"Not enough!" Dustin frets, "We need to take it so someone else."
The boys run up the stairs and out of the house, without even brushing their hair or teeth, or even getting dressed. "You know where we're going, right?" Dustin asks.
"Yeah, Max's house. So she can drive us there!" Mike exclaims.
"No! We're going right there!" Dustin says.
"You think we're gonna walk there?!" Mike yells, "It's at like.. 5 blocks away!"
"That's not even far!" Dustin yells.
"Fine." Mike says. "I guess we're walking, then."
"Should I tell El that you have a crush on Max and try to find any excuse to be with her?!"
"What? No." Mike says, "Maybe you have a crush on her."
"I do not. I give no indication that I have a crush on her." Dustin laughs.
Mike shakes his head, annoyed.

"Joyce?" Eleven whispers. Joyce is already asleep. "Joyce. I have to pee."
Joyce doesn't wake up, so Eleven takes it upon herself to make the decision. She gets up, and begins to slowly walk, nervously. She grabs a hat from a sleeping old lady and sunglasses from the old man next to her. She puts them on, and very slowly walks to the bathroom, eying Jonathan and Nancy as she does.
Joyce wakes up, and realizes Eleven is no longer there. She begins to panic, looking all around. "El!" she whispers, "El! El!" She turns around and sees Jonathan and Nancy still sitting there. She ducks down, again, and hopes for the best, closing her eyes, as her heart beats really fast. After a few minutes, she suddenly feels a hand on her shoulder, and hesitantly opens her eyes up. It's Eleven.
"El!" she whispers, putting her hand over her heart. "You scared the living shit out of me!"
"Sorry!" Eleven says, as she turns around and puts the hat and sunglasses back on the elderlies, and sits down, ducking again.
"I am so scared." Joyce whispers.
"We will be fine." Eleven says, "Only a few hours left."
"It's not really a few!" Joyce mumbles.

"Again?!" Murray yells into his microphone. "State your names."
"I'm.. Mike." Mike says.
"And I'm Dustin. You already know us!"
"Oh! Ew! Why are you here?" Murray asks, "Do you guys need help now?"
"Actually, yeah." Mike mumbles.
"Okay. Look at the camera." Murray says. The 2 look up at the camera.
"Finally!" Murray yells.
After a few awkward moments of Dustin and Mike recalling their fight they had on the walk here, the silence breaks by Murray unlocking his door and opening it, holding up his gun.
Mike puts his hands up. "Jeez!" he yells, "What's that for?"
"Haha! Just kidding!" Murray exclaims, putting his gun down, and beginning to laugh to the point where he can't breathe. The 3 walk in the house.
"Dude. It wasn't even that funny." Dustin says, as he closes the door behind him.
Murray walks over to the door and locks it.
"So, what's up?" he asks.
"We need to know what this is saying. It keeps on repeating itself." Mike says, holding up the walky talky.
"Kind of like you." Murray says, and begins laughing even more.
"That.. that doesn't even make sense!" Mike frets, "Now can you please just help us here?"
"Fine." Murray says, sitting on his couch and grabbing the walky talky from Mike.
"I can't believe you even brought this thing into my house." he says, rolling his eyes.
The walky talky begins to go off again.
"Will you just leave me alone?!" a voice yells.
"It is saying 'Will you just leave me alone?'" Murray repeats. "Come on guys, this is just basic English."
"Wait!" Dustin yells, looking at the walky talky. "That's Hopper."
Mike hesitates, and grabs the walky talky.
"Jim!" Murray yells, "It's me, Murray!"
"You have to press the button." Mike says, pressing the button for Murray, but then he quickly unpressed it. "Wait. We can't say anything." Mike says, "The Russians can't know we are listening."
"It's fine." Murray says, "Eleven and Joyce will be there in no time to kill all of them dumbasses."
"Murray!" Mike yells, "You are pressing the button!"
"Oops!" Murray says, "It's fine, none of them speak English anyway."

Mean while, the only English man in the lab is listening. "пришло время для блокировки. американцы слушают." he says into his walky talky.

"He says.." Murray says to Mike and Dustin... "That it is time for lockdown. And that the Americans are listening."
"Awww.. shit!" Mike yells, "I knew we should have never came here!" he grabs the walky talky, and tries to open the door, but it's locked.
Murray gets up and unlocks it for him.
"Thanks for nothing!" Dustin yells as the 2 run out.
"No problem!" Murray shrieks, closing the door and locking it. "Wow! I really need to work on my social skills." Not even realizing the trouble he had just caused.

"Do you think Eleven will still be able to get in there?" Mike asks.
"I don't know!" Dustin says. "We really made a big mistake going to Murray. He's dumb! He may know Russian, but he's dumb."
"Well it was your idea to come here!" Mike yells.
"No it was yours!" Dustin says, "Stop lying to yourself!"
"It was you!"
11 hours later:
After 11 and a half hours of a long flight, it is finally time for landing.
The plane begins slowing down, as it goes towards the ground.
It finally lands, and Eleven and Joyce immediately stand up.
"Let's go!" Eleven whispers after they grab their luggage. They run off of the plane very quickly. Joyce pulls out her map, and opens it.
Suddenly, Eleven notices Jonathan and Nancy getting off the plane.
"Let's go." she whispers, grabbing Joyce's hand and pulling her behind a nearby building.
There are flashing red lights. "If the map is correct, we are standing right next to the lab.. or prison..whatever it.." Eleven begins to tap Joyce as Joyce is till speaking.
"Joyce.. Joyce!" she yells.
Joyce looks up to wear Eleven is pointing.
"Kamchatka Lab and Prison." Joyce reads.
Eleven grabs her walky talky. She puts the antenna up.
"Mike." she says. "Mike. Are you there?"

Mike grabs his walky talky as him and Dustin are about to go to sleep in Dustin's basement. "El?" he says, "El, I'm here. Over."
"The lights." Eleven says, "We are here. They're blinking. I don't know what's going on."
"Oh..." Mike hesitates, trying to comprehend what she just said. "They went full lockdown mode."
"Lockdown mode?" Eleven asks, "What? Why? How did you..?"
"Sorry.. We can't here you!" Dustin yells, as he grabs Mikes walky talky and puts the antenna back down.
"They did something." Joyce says. "I know it."
"He lied." Eleven whispers. "Dustin lies."
"It's okay!" Joyce says, trying to make eye contact.
"Friends don't lie." Eleven says. "Now let's do this." She grabs Joyce's hand and the 2 run to the front door of the place.
Eleven takes a deep breath, as she remembers, all of the times with Hopper. The tears run down her face as she concentrates, still holding Joyce's hand, as the red lights flash and the sirens go off. And finally, the door flies opened.
"You did it!" Joyce yells.
"Shhhh!" Eleven whispers, and suddenly more sirens begin to go off, along with a robotic voice saying "You are being robbed."
The 2 sneak in, and hide behind a desk, still holding their luggage.
"We should have waited a bit to do this." Joyce whispers, as her heart pounds really fast.
"No." Eleven says. "Come with me." The 2 run up a flight of stairs, where there is a man with a gun almost the size of Eleven.
"Shit!" Joyce whispers.
Eleven concentrates on the man, and makes the gun drop.
"Come on!" she whispers. It's very dark and hard for them to see. They begin walking slowly.
"He's behind a door." Eleven says. "We just have to find a place with doors."
They walk by a huge cage, with demogorgons. Eleven looks at it, and almost faints, but Joyce catches her. "It's okay, baby." she says, as the tears run down her face.
Eleven's whole life begins to flash before her eyes, but she is soon okay again. Eleven finds another flight of stairs, which leads them to all of the closed doors.
Eleven concentrates, trying to remember what number door it was. The memories begin to come again, demogorgons, papa, Kali, Hopper being punched, meeting Mike, hanging out with Max and the rest of the party etc..,
"Number 30." she says to Joyce. They walk by rooms 28 and 29, and finally they see it.
"Here!" Eleven says. She concentrates very hard, and makes the door fly open. The room is empty.
"They said something about it being his turn." Joyce whispers, wide eyed.
"No." Eleven says. "No.. no! No!" she screams. One of the guards sees her, and is holding a shot gun.
He runs after her but she stops him, making him fly 5 feet away, and into another door.
"Stop!" she hears a voice say.
The 2 huge security guards are carrying Hopper to the demogorgon cage. "Let go of me!" he screams. Eleven looks over and sees Hopper. She tries to use her powers to get the men away from him, but it isn't working.
The one goes to open the cage, but stops. "мы на самом деле под атакой?" (Are we actually under attack?) he says.
"нет, опять ложная тревога." (No, just a false alarm again.) the other says.
Joyce turns around and sees Nancy and Jonathan in their uniforms. She begins to cry, as she hides behind a desk.
Eleven runs to Joyce. "They are trying to put him in the cage!" she whispers. She notices Jonathan and Nancy. "But my powers are rusty!" She gets an idea. She grabs the fire extinguisher and her walky talky.
"в конце концов!" (Finally!) the man yells when he finally gets the cage unlocked.
"No!" Hopper screams. They go to throw him in, when they here a voice.
"нет!" (No!) the voice yells. "не американец!" (Not the American!)
They turn around. It's Eleven disguised in Nancy's uniform.
"что?" the man asks. (What?")
"I said.." she whispers, listening to her walky talky where Murray is speaking to her, "не американец!" (Not the American!) (Mike high fives Murray.)
"ой.." the one guys whispers. "куда ты хочешь чтобы мы его посадили??"
Tears begin to run down Hopper's face. Eleven listens for Murray's answer.
"Поставь его .. на первом этаже. Рядом с входной дверью" she says. "СЕЙЧАС!!" (Put him.. on the first floor. Near the front door. NOW!)
The men hesitate, and begin running down the stairs.
Joyce, who is now in Jonathan's uniform, runs to Eleven and gives her a huge hug.
The 2 grab Jonathan and Nancy's knocked out bodies, and run down to the first floor. They somehow stuff their bodies into their huge suitcases, grab Hopper, and run out. Eleven falls into Hopper's arms, hysterically crying. Joyce joins them, and soon there are tears all over the place.
"We better get out of here!" Joyce whispers. Hopper gets up slowly, with his very long beard. They grab their suit cases stuffed with humans, and make their way to grab tickets back to America, when they realize they don't have any money.
"The place I was at has money. Tons of it!" Hopper says, still crying.
"I'll go get it." Eleven says. She runs, until she meets with the building again. She runs in, and begins looking through the doors of a desk. She finds a big box and runs out.
"I got it!" she yells, running up to them. They make their way to the air-flights place and purchase 3 tickets for 3am.

"Mike!" Eleven says into her walky talky. "Are you there?"
Mike is sleeping on Murray's couch, but can here Elevens voice. "Mike!" He quickly wakes up. "El?!" he says. "What did you say?" he asks, pressing on his button.
"Thank you." she whispers.
Tears run down Mike's face. "Thank you."

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