Chapter 4: Flayed

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"This will all be over soon." Nancy whispers in Jonathan's ear. "Just try and stay still."
Jonathan looks up and sees a huge demogorgon looking at him. "Nancy!" he yells, "Let me go! What are you doing?!"


"I cannot believe you chose Chic-Fil-A out of all places." Max says to Lucas as they are cleaning the tables. "Why here? Why not somewhere where kids our age can actually help out? I should have came with you when you got us jobs yesterday!"
"Max!" Lucas yells, "All you have been doing this whole time is complaining! Just stop!"
"Well I'm sorry that you couldn't find anywhere that will actually get us money!"
"It's fine!" Lucas says, "At least we're helping at all!"
"Your right. But it's not even like we get to be cashiers."


"That will be 5 dollars." Steve says to the man buying 3 shirts from Spencer's.
The man hands him the exact amount and walks out.
"Ugh!" Robin yells, coming out of the storage place and laying a box on the counter. "Why did you get the easy job?"
"Probably because he looks the weakest here." Dustin comee out and putting a few more boxes on the counter. Robin and him laugh.
"Oh, shut up, would you?" Steve says, "This is only our second day!"
"You know what?" Robin screeches, "I quit."
"Aww..nah man! You can't do that!"
"I do, too." Dustin says. "I might just go work at 'Chic-Fil-A' with Lucas and Max."
"And I'm not going to work anywhere until January when I go back to actually work."
"Come on!" Steve says, "How much did you make to give to El?"
"Well, I'll see after I go get the money from our manager."
"Alright, you go do that." Steve says.
Dustin and Robin walk out to go find the manager, as Jonathan walks in.
"Hey! Jonathan!" Steve says, "Nice to see you here."
Jonathan goes to grab Steve's wrist, but instead Steve grabs his. "!" he says, "I'm sorry if your still mad about that whole thing, but it's been years. Just drop it! And besides.. Nancy is yours now, so.."
Jonathan grabs Steve's wrist with his other hand and goes to punch him when suddenly Mike walks in. "Yo, dude!" Mike says, "What are you doing to Steve?!" Jonathan let's go of Steve and turns around. "Oh...hey little buddy." Jonathan says, "Can I show you something real quick?"
"What? No! You went to my house yesterday! Didn't you?!"
"No!" Jonathan yells, "I didn't!"
"Yes you did!" Mike yells, "Nancy did something to you, didn't she?!"
"Security!" Mike yells, "Security!"
2 men come inside of Spencer's and grab Jonathan by the arms, dragging him out of the store.
"Wow! Thanks man!"
"It's no problem." Mike says.
"Why are you here?"
"Well, Joyce just dropped me off at my house after I stayed over night and my mom wanted to come to the mall with me. She's in Claire's Boutiques with Holly."
"So..." Steve frets, scratching the back of his head, "It's not it?"
Mike looks at him. "Nope. Not at all."


Eleven and Will are watching TV when Joyce comes in. "Why don't you get a job?" she asks, looking at Will.
"No way!" Will says, "I do not feel like it!"
"Fine!" Joyce yells, "Can you please?"
Eleven looks at her.
"Sorry if I'm in the way of your show.." Joyce frets, "But I just want to make sure we are gonna get enough money!"
"We will, mom!" Will cries out, "Just please stop. My anxiety has been high a lot recently and there's a lot we haven't even told you cause you'll just act like a crazy person again."
"El." Joyce says, "Can I talk to you real quick?"
"Yeah." Eleven says. She gets up and follows Joyce to the bathroom.
"I know you will tell me the truth." Joyce says. "Now please tell me what's going on."
"It never left." Eleven says, looking Joyce straight in the eyes. "Nancy has been flayed. It is in her." Eleven says, thinking of when she saw Nancy with the bottle, and when the demogorgon attacked Nancy. "It didn't start acting like this until I came back into the picture. It remembered me. It still wants to destroy me."
Joyce puts her hand over her heart, very scared.
"But.. Maybe you can destroy it. Maybe there is some way you can get it out of Nancy..without hurting her!"
"Maybe." Eleven frets.

"45 dollars!" Robin yells, coming back into Spencer's.
"Yeah, same." Dustin says following right behind her.
"Well..that's another 90!" Steve says. "How much do we have now?"
"Where's Erica when you need her?" Dustin pouts.
"Dusty bun!" a voice yells, running into Spencer's.
Dustin mouth flies opened as he turn around. "Suzie poo!" he yells. They run at each other, arms opened wide.
""Dusty bun!" she cries, "I came to help you save the world!"
"What?!" Dustin yells, "How did you...know? That it was happening again?"
"What?" Suzie asks, "I just meant I wanted to, ya know, play the game we always played in camp? Where we 'saved the world?'"
"Oh..right!" Dustin says, "Can't wait! But right now.. You need to get a job!" Dustin laughs, "We need to make money so that that the girl with powers and her.. adoptive mom... can go to Russia and save the amazing man from the evil Russians.. and while this is all happening, there is a girl named.. I mean, just a random girl, possessed by some mind flayer and the girl with powers has to get the flayer out of her!"
"Really?" Suzie asks, "That sounds... AMAZING!"
"Ha.." Dustin says. "So..amazing."
" I get to keep the money when I quit the job in a few hours?"
Steve and Dustin look at each other.
"Fine." Dustin says, "I'll tell you the truth."
"What..what's the truth Dusty bun?" she asks, biting her lip, "Do you have another girlfriend who you have to make money for so she can go to college and then you're gonna dump me after.."
"No!" Dustin yells, "The truth is, this whole thing.. is real."
"What?" Suzie asks, "You have to be kidding me. You tried pulling this prank or whatever on me last time! This is just you.." she says, poking Dustin the chest, "trying to use me to make more money, and I'm not doing it!" and she turns around to walk out of the store.
"Wait!" Dustin yells, "If you truly don't believe me," he says, looking at Steve, "Then...come with us."


"Where is he now?" Joyce asks Eleven.
"He's still in the same spot that he was last time." Eleven says, "But.. There is a Russian with him." She looks some more. "The man is taking notes, and speaking to another guy, who I guess is standing on the other side of the door."
"Damn it!" Joyce yells, "You have to be kidding me!"
"I know." Eleven whispers, "I wish I knew what he was saying!"


"Mike!" Dustin yells, pounding on the door. "Mike!"
"What?!" Mike screams, opening the door. "Aww man.. Is that Suzie?"
"Oh my gosh, yes!" Dustin says, "Now let us in!"
"What? No!" Mike yells, and goes to shut the door, but Dustin stops it from shutting, as him, Steve, Robin and Suzie walk in.
"What do you want?" Mike asks.
"Nancy." Dustin says, "Is she here?"
"You really think I would be here home alone with her?"
"Wait.. if she's not here.. then where is she?"
"Oh, shit." Mike says, "I don't even know!"
"Well, where are your parents?" Steve asks.
"My mom is still at the mall with Holly and my dad is..somewhere. I walked home from the mall."
"By yourself?" Suzie asks.
"What? No!" Mike says, "I mean yes! Yes! Why?"
"You seem to young for that." she says, walking into his kitchen.
"I am not!"
"Whatever!" Suzie laughs, "Beats me!"
"I cannot believe we quit our Spencer's jobs for this." Robin laughs.

"Ya know what?!" Max yells, "I quit!"
"No! You can't quit!" Lucas says, "We need more money!"
"We'll get it some where else!" she says, as she walks up to the manager. "Can we have our money, please? We quit!"
"What?" Lucas asks. "I don't.." Max covers his mouth with her hand.
"Money. Now." she demands.


"You need my help.. again?!" Murray yells into the microphone.
"Yes! We'll pay you!" Joyce says, "Please! I drove here for over an hour! Now let me in!"
"Fine!" Murray says, "Look at the camera!"
Will looks at the door.
"The camera! Up there!" he yells, "Ugh!"
The 3 look up.
"Is that..the weird girl who can.."
"Murray!" Joyce yells, "Let us in!"
Silence fills the air for a few seconds, when suddenly the chains begin to unlock, and Murray opens the door.
"Come in." he says, rolling his eyes.
"We need your help!" Joyce says, sitting on the couch.
"Yeah. Obviously." Murray says, "But first I must scan these..children." he says, shivering.
"It's Hopper!" Joyce says, "He's still alive."
"What?!" Murray yells, "Where is he?"
"Awww.. of corse!" he yells, "How did you know?"
"Me." Eleven says. "I looked for him."
"You what?" he asks, "How?"
"Not the time for questions!" Joyce yells, "Now help us!" she says, pulling out a piece of paper with something written on it.
"What is this?" he asks.
"The Russian was saying something! But we don't know what! So El wrote down what it sounded like for us. It's probably only a little bit accurate, but hopefully it can help!"
"Oh my.." Murray says, "This might take a while to figure out."


"So, How much do we have in all now?" Dustin asks after Lucas and Max hand him the 10 that they each made.
"Umm.. Math. Anyone?" Steve says.
"So..." Suzie says, using her fingers to air the math equation. "We now have about... 580." she says. "So where's my proof that this is even real?"
Suddenly the door flies opened. It's Nancy and Jonathan.
Nancy is holding a baseball bat with blood on it and Jonathan looks like he's ready to fight.
"Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you guys. Jonathan is flayed, also." Steve laughs.
"What?!" Dustin yells, "RUN!"
The 5 of them run out through the back door.
"Run! Run!" Dustin yells. "Come on!"
As they are still running, Suzie is crying. "Dusty bun!" she yells, "I'm sorry for not believing you! I promise you I will get a job now!"


"I got it!" Murray yells.
"What is it?" Eleven asks.
"The man was saying... that it is Hopper's turn next. Or something like that. He said something like.. Hopper is going in..somewhere.. in a week or so."
"So.. Eleven actually wrote it to the point where it made scents?" Will asks.
"Yes." Murray says. "It was a bit confusing at first, but I got it!"
"Thank you so much!" Joyce says, giving Murray a big hug.
"No problem Joyce. Do you want me to come with you to find him?"
"I am going." Eleven says.
Joyce lets go of the hug, and sits back on the couch.
"But.. what do you think he is talking about?" she asks.
"I don't know." Murray says, "But you have to get there! In less than a week! Or Hopper might be..."
"Gone." Eleven whispers.
"Murray.." Joyce whispers, "Is there any chance you have money that I can borrow?"
"How much?" Murray asks.
Will rips out his walky talky. "Dustin? Over."
"What's up, Will? Over." Dustin says.
"How much money have we made? Over."
"About Five hundred and eighty." Dustin says.
"Plus the two hundred my mom has? Over." Will asks.
"Yes. Not counting that. Over."
"Okay, Thanks buddy." Will says, "Over and out."
"Sooo...." Joyce says, "Four hundred and six dollars?" she says scrunching up her face and putting her hand out.
"Not a chance." he says, winking.
"What?!" Joyce yells.
"You think I have that kind of money?" he asks.
"I'm sorry, Murray!" she cries, "I don't mean to sound rude! I just need the money!"
"Fine!" he says, "I think I have about six hundred. You don't need to pay me back. I will make more."
"Oh my gosh!" Joyce yells, "Thank you so much!" she says, crying.
"Anything for a friend." he says, smiling.
"Awww, thank you, friend!" she says, lightly punching him in the arm.
"No." he says, "I was talking about Hopper."
"Oh, right." she says, scratching the back of her head.
Eleven and Will look at each other and laugh.


"I just realized something!" Dustin says, as they are all still out of breath, but now in the comfort of his home.
"What?!" Mike yells, laying on the couch.
"Oh. I don't know." Dustin says, "I actually forget what I was going to say.."
"You're such a dip shit!" Steve yells.
"Yeah, for once I actually agree with..him." Mike says, shivering.
"Oh, I'm not that bad!" Steve yells, throwing a pillow at Mike.


"That guy is so nice!" Joyce says, as the 3 are driving home. "I cannot believe he actually gave us the money."
"Yeah." Eleven says, looking out of window of the passenger seat.
Will begins to get the weird feeling on his neck again. "Mom!" he yells, "It's Nancy and Jonathan!" he fret, when he sees the 2 driving on the other side.
"Oh, cool!" Joyce says.
"No! Mom!" Will yells.
"Turn it around!" Eleven yells.
"Why?!" Joyce exclaims.
"Just follow them!"
Joyce flips around the car and hits the gas really hard.
"Why?!" she yells.
"Mom!" Will yells.
"Oh, shit!" she yells, "I completely forgot! Nancy is.."
"Yes!" Eleven yells.
"Get away from my son!" Joyce screams, following the 2.
"Where do you think they are going?" Will asks.
"I don't know!" Joyce cries. "Do you think my baby is okay?"
Suddenly, Jonathan stops the car, and gets out.
"They are going in there." Eleven says, pointing to "Airline Flights" where you buy airplane tickets.
"No!" Joyce yells, stopping the car. They all get out and follow the 2 in.
The 2 walk up to the same guy Joyce was trying to get tickets from, and begin talking to him.
"Jona.." Joyce begins to say, but Eleven covers her mouth.
"Stop!" Eleven demands, "We can't let them know we're here!" and the 3 duck down behind a desk.
"What? You want tickets to go to Kamchatka, Russia again?" the man asks Nancy, "Why?"
"Don't question us." Nancy demands.
"Sorry." the man says, "These are the last 2 tickets for the flight." he says, holding them up.
"No!" Eleven yells, and begins to cry.
"Did he say what I think he said?" Joyce whispers.
"What are we supposed to do?" Will asks, feeling hopeless.
"I have a plan." Eleven says through sniffles.


"Eleven!" Will whispers, this is not a good idea! Well it is..but like.."
"Shh!" Eleven says, putting her finger over Will's mouth.
"Just stick with plan." she says, as the 2 begin walking to the place that leads to the "Airline Flights Headquarters."
Finally, they see 2 men sitting at the desk, leading to the microphone.
Eleven looks down and sees Nancy and Jonathan filling our paper work.
"Leave." Eleven demands. "
"No!" the one guys yells, "Who do you think you are?"
She lifts the guy with her powers and slams him down to the ground, and then does the same to the other guys, turning them unconscious.
"Couldn't you have just done that in the first place?" Will asks.
"Well," Eleven says, "I make them seem make myself not feel so bad."
"Oh." Will says, and the 2 begin to laugh.
"Nancy Wheeler. Jonathan Byers." Eleven says into the microphone, "Please come to the headquarters."
Eleven and Will look down, and see Nancy and Jonathan get up from their seats and begin walking to the headquarters.
"Run!" Eleven yells, and the 2 begin walking down the stairs and past Jonathan and Nancy, covering their faces.
"Good job!" Will says, and they high five.
"Got them!" Joyce whispers to Will and Eleven, holding up the 2 tickets.
The 3 run out of the building.
"Now we have to go get the money and give it to them so we don't go to jail." Joyce says.

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