Dustin X Reader: Sleepovers and Shipping?

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This was requested by Wenzel2003! I hope you like it, because it's not exactly what you requested, and it is potentially complete trash, but I hope you like it.

          "Okay. You've thought this through so many times. What could possibly go wrong?" I was giving myself a pep-talk in the bathroom at Mike's house. Everything. "Nope, I'm not doing it!"

          "[Y/N], what's taking so long," I heard Mike yell. "And who are you talking to? There isn't anyone else in there."

          "I'll be out in a minute!" I splashed water on my face quickly and dried my hands. "You didn't... hear anything... did you?"

         "Nope, I totally didn't hear the pep-talk you were giving yourself," he replied, sarcasm evident. "But, seriously, whatever it is that you're wanting to do, I say go for it. Take whatever risk it is, because risks make life exciting."

          "Thanks, Mike. You're seriously the best," I said, feeling much more confident as we walked downstairs to play Dungeons and Dragons. The first thing I noticed when I entered the room was that Dustin had arrived. I stared for just long enough for it to be awkward and creepy. His curls framed his face perfectly, and his hat was there to keep it all in place, as usual.

          "Hey! Hello? Earth to [Y/N]? Hello?" Lucas, who I had just noticed was here, was waving his hand in my face, indicating that I had been staring for too long. Dustin looked extremely confused, and was looking at me like I was completely insane. I felt my cheeks get warm, and I looked at the ground.

         "Maybe we-- uh, how about-- let's just start playing," I managed to stutter out. Will was the first to nod, and he volunteered to be the dungeon master. I was surely making a fool of myself. For the entire time we were playing, I would stare at Dustin until he started to look my way. I would stare at the sides of his face, the back of his head, even just his hat; every part of him looked perfect in my eyes, from every angle.

          "Ugh. Why must you do this to me?" I accidentally asked aloud instead of thought, very loudly. Every head in the room snapped my way. They were all staring, wide-eyed, as though I'd grown two heads. "Shit! I said that out loud, didn't I?" They all just nodded, still staring. After they stared for another five minutes, we went back to playing, but this time, I wasn't the only one not involved in the game. Will kept reading the same thing over and over, Mike was glancing between me and Dustin, Lucas was staring at Dustin in what I can only assume was jealous rage, and Dustin kept on giving me strange looks and then looking away while shaking his head. After a while, none of us could take it any longer.

          "It's getting late; maybe we should go to bed." We all knew Mike's suggestion was because of the tension, not the time, as he had said; normally we would stay up until his mom came to yell at us, and now it was only 9:00. Despite none of us being tired, we all silently agreed and started to get ready for bed.

          Right before he went off to bed, I grabbed Dustin's arm and pulled him aside. "So, uh, I was thinking..." It didn't sound right, so I started again. "I wanted to, uh, will you, like, be my-- would you go out with me?"

          "Of course! I-I mean, yeah, sure, whatever. No big deal." But his big grin said otherwise.

         "Yes! I knew it! Finally!" Mike was peeking out from behind the corner. "Will, we were right! Get the wedding plans!"

          "Wait, first we have to let them kiss! Then we can plan the wedding," said Will. "Don't mind us, we'll just be shipping from afar."

          Dustin gave me a confused look, and I shook my head. "They're weird. Don't let it get to you, they've always been like this."

          "I heard them talking earlier. They were fighting over whether you were going to name your son Bradley or Joseph," Lucas added. "And who should be the one to buy you a Golden Retriever." But, while Lucas was telling you the level of crazy my friends had achieved, Mike snuck up behind me and pushed me onto Dustin, and Will pushed Dustin into a position in which you would end up kissing when you landed on him. Their plan for the night worked, but because you were still in middle school, there was no wedding (yet, if they had anything to say about it).

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