Lucas-Wrap Around

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Your POV

My gang of girls and I were sitting in the cafeteria having nothing to do but talk. I sat next to my best friend Chole and in front sat Michelle and Piper, my three best friends. Nothings happened lately besides a kid went missing and came back to 'life' I never thought he died.

"Y/N, what's wrong?" Piper asked waving her sandwich in front of me, I snapped out of my daze and laughed staring at them. I looked over across the room, seeing those four boys sitting at a small table in the corner of the room.

"Do you guys know any of them?" I asked, my friends stared at me, Chloe asked who I was referring to.

"Them" I said pointing to the table in the back corner, they shook their heads except Michelle.

"They're in my math class, all weird kids." I couldn't help but notice them having the time of their lives over in the corner. I figured I could talk to one of them sometime today.

~~~Later that day~~~

"Schools out!" Piper yelled rushing out the doors of the school, she's the type of girl who hates school and prefers to be in her room with her friends. I laughed shaking my head, I walked out with Chloe beside me to the doors. Kids were yelling and screaming waiting to leave.

I got pushed and shoved as did Chloe always staying by my side. I trip over a kid who had dropped his books, I fell and hit my chin on the cement exiting the doors. I sat up feeling my chin, Chloe came to my aid. I tried to stand but realized I couldn't on my own.

"Your too heavy for me to carry you and I'm not strong enough to bring you home." I started crying slightly as the pain my ankle and lower leg was rising further and further up, throbbing, I scrunched up my face to try and ease the pain.

I saw a shadow come towards me hoping it was a teacher, it wasn't. I heard in a low voice asking if I needed help.  A boy with short dark hair,  and dark eyes, stared at me. I whipped away my tears, staying on the ground.

He lifted me up from underneath with on of his friends. As I stood up I noticed who he was, one of the boys from the group in the corner of the cafeteria.

He wrapped an arm around my waist and I held onto his upper back, trying to walk. Chloe grabbed my bag, but she lived on the other side of town and couldn't make two trips. She handed the bag to the boy. I  limped with him down the road.

"You alright, seems like it hurts, a lot" He asked, I nodded,  but when I did I stepped poorly hurting my ankle. He stopped staring at me, asking if I was alright once again. I nodded keeping the tears in.

"I'm Lucas." He said, I smiled, thanking him. I stared at him before looking down at the ground before answering.

"I'm Y/N, you didn't have to help me." I said, I could of managed, but it was nice that he offered to help me.

"Doesn't bother me, you needed help." He said, everything he said was like an angel I couldn't help myself, I think I may like this boy.

"I gave him the directions to my house, it took forever especially since I made him stop so many times because I couldn't handle the pain. At this point he carried me bridal style so we would go faster, we talked the whole way home, I think I made a new best friend.

Once we got to the street I lived on, I told him to put me down. He did, not leaving me. I walked with him to my steps, he stood in front of me staring at the ground. I smiled slightly chuckling.

I thought I could make a move, to say thanks. I leaned in towards him slightly, he smiled leaning in but he gave me a hug. Wasn't what I wanted but it's better than nothing. I smiled once again, he smiled leaving my front door, and walking down the street.

I turned around walking inside, closing the door.

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