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Your POV

It was hard fitting in,  I was  always home schooled and finally got to go to school in the seventh grade. I've never had a friend, or siblings for that matter. When I moved her in the 3rd grade, I was home schooled.

For me at least, this will be a day to remember. I walked into the school,  the halls were white and covered in blue striped with paw prints, the tiles on the floor were white and blue. Very matchy.

"Watch where your going, pee-wee" Pee-wee? Was he referring to my size, of course first day no friends, just bullies. I sat down in my first calls, seeing  core groups of kids, I knew there was certain groups I didn't want to be near and one of them was the bully I ran into.

"Get out of my seat, pork-chop." I looked at the kid not knowing what to do. I saw a boy speak up for me, telling the kid to leave me alone.

"She didn't do anything, go sit down." A boy said with shirt dark hair and a bandana. I smiled thankfully at him, sliding into my seat feeling bad for myself.


"Get out of my way!" The bully, Troy said. Pinning me up against a locker. How is this possible, this is invading my space bubble. I didn't know what to do, he held me a few feet off the ground staring at me with a smirk.

I noticed what he was doing and no way was he getting away with it. He put a book to the side of my face so no one could see what he was gonna do. Without hesitation his lips touched mine, I tried pushing him away from me.

"Get off her!" Troy got off me but kept me pinned to the lockers, winking at me before staring into the other direction towards the voices. I closed my eyes, trying to get his hands away from the collar of my shirt so I could breath.

"Or else?" Troy said, I started gasping for help. I managed to kick Troy, he released me. I started gasping for air, choking on my spit. I felt my head go light and the room spinning. I felt my self starting to shut down, without a clue of what was going on.

Except for four boys started fighting with Troy.


"She's not dead!"

"Of course not."

"Guys shh, let her wake up." I heard so many different voices, not a clue who they belonged to.

"Where am I?" I asked, not knowing who these four boys were. One was short, with light brown hair and brown eyes. Another with Brown curly hair, fairly tall. A darker haired boy that came down his face who was the same height maybe taller. And finally a boy with darker skin, bandana shirt dark brown black hair.

"The floor." Curly said, I was confused.

"Shut up Dustin!" The boy with hair in his face said.

"Your on the floor of the school. We didn't want to move you in case something happened." I was as confused as ever, but started to recognize them.  They helped me to my feet, I realized these boys wanted to help me.

"Could you take me to the office?" I asked, they all started fighting over who would take me there. I eventually locked arms with the smaller boy and Curly. The other two still fighting caught up to us.

"Here you go." I smiled looking back at them, I saw them leave one by one. Yelling and screaming down the hall at their victory. Causing me to wave, seeing the Curly haired boy ti turn around and wave back winking.

I knew these boys would have a positive effect on me, maybe even some friendships. *Wink Wink*

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