l̶o̶v̶e̶..lust in the air

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revamped my first book..

this is much better imo. X

June 10
DFW Airport

This is the final boarding call for passenger Shilo William on flight #2705 to Los Angeles. Please proceed to gate 21 immediately. The final checks are being completed and the captain will order for the doors of the aircraft to close in approximately five minutes.

I repeat. This is the final boarding call for Shilo William. Thank you.

Shilo sprinted through the crowd, clutching the straps of his backpack tightly as he dashed past gate 18, then 20, skimming just past, when suddenly the sketchbook he had been tucking under his arm slipped from his grasp.

Just watching in dismay as it skidded across the polished airport floor. "Dawg," Shilo muttered, quickly doubling back.

He could spot the flight attendants' beaming smiles—bright as if it was prime time and not some ungodly morning hour. The man stepped onto the aircraft, his face set in a flat line, no traces of a smile to mirror theirs.

Morning flights didn't sit right with him, especially squeezed into coach on a booked flight. Each step was a calculation, his head ducking just shy of a collision with the bins.

An elderly lady reached out, her touch light on his wrist as he scanned for his seat number.

"Hey, we just had to ask—are you really that tall? You play sports, huh baby? Basketball?" Her smile was warm, her question echoing the usual stereotype.

No, I'm not, and you're off your meds, he really wanted to say. Instead, he lied to her, "Yeah, I do." Shilo accepted the picture she wanted to take, his face holding a polite mask, the corners of his mouth lifting in a forced smile.

It wasn't the first time he'd been boxed into that cliché, and it always grated on him.

People shifted out of his path, their gazes flickering with a mix of awe and curiosity, the kind that made you feel more like an exhibit than a person.

Shilo prayed for solitude as he neared his row, hoping for the rare luxury of an empty seat beside him, a small mercy to stretch out just a bit.

Amid the sea of stares, Shilo caught a pair of striking, brown almond-shaped eyes, framed by bold eyeliner and long, voluminous lashes, giving her gaze a captivating intensity before they darted away.

Time seemed to pause, the background blur of passengers and cabin noise dimming. Shilo reached his row, his heart thumping a notch louder, hope flickering as he wondered if those eyes would seek his out once more.

They didn't.

Squeezing into his cramped seat, Shilo contorted sideways, one leg spilling into the aisle, the other dangerously close to the mysterious woman's space.

His presence was an awkward dance of limbs, but her intrigue, that brief eye contact, had sparked something—

The flight attendants' voices droned on about Flight #2705, Dallas to LA, but Shilo's mind was miles away, lost in the memory of those eyes.

His throat tightened, a dry, suffocating sensation overtaking him as a heatwave of nerves washed over his body.

The swirl of emotions was loud, almost audibly churning in his gut, the fear of rejection pounding against his insides like a drum.

Words failed him, his tongue twisted in knots, brain blank. It was pure torture sitting there, so close yet so far from actually connecting.

Her scent drifted over, a delicate blend of powdery peonies and a sharp twist of ginger—subtle yet mesmerizing.

Shilo took one more look at the woman beside him before turning his gaze away.

He had spent the whole flight sketching the memory of her—seared into his mind like a vivid dream. Each stroke of his pencil on the page seemed to draw him closer to her, yet physically, they remained worlds apart.

Once the plane shuddered onto the runway, a rush of adrenaline surged through him. Heavy tension crackled in the air as they both stood to disembark.

Shilo let her take the lead, his eyes trailing her hair pinned back into a sleek bun. The smell of her conditioner lingered in the air, guiding him like an unseen hand. As the crowd shuffled forward, Shilo moved in sync with her, his heart pounding with each step.

He paced himself, deliberately slowing his steps to keep her in sight without crowding her space. Everything faded into the background, every detail of her presence magnified—the elegant curve of her neck, the gentle sway of her walk.

His gaze briefly wandered, appreciating the way the black leggings sculpted her silhouette. Shilo snapped his focus back up, chastising himself.

He needed to keep it together, figure out his approach before she disappeared into the sea of faces at LAX.

Outside the gate, the terminal buzzed with life, but Shilo's focus was singular. She paused, scanning the signs for directions, and for a fleeting moment, their eyes met again.

He wanted to say something, anything, to break the barrier between them, but his voice caught in his throat. The moment stretched, taut and electric, until Shilo blinked and she blended into the flow of passengers.

Shilo stood there, sketchbook clutched tightly in his hand, her scent lingering in the air, a tantalizing reminder of what might have been, or what still could be.

Determined not to let this connection slip away, he took a deep breath and followed, weaving through the crowd, his heart set on finding her once more.

Each step felt like a mile, his heart pounding in his ears. She was fast, but he could see her just about to step onto the escalator. He took quick steps forward, catching up in time to touch her elbow gently.

"Excuse me," His voice trembling slightly.

The woman turned slightly, her eyes meeting his with a softness. For a moment, the world seemed to hold its breath.

"I never got your name." Seriously!? He beat himself up—the first thing he says was that.

"I don't remember you asking," she replied, her voice carrying a naturally raspy pitch with a hint of Southern twang. "It's Sianni." They stepped to the side so others were able to get on.

It was a melody Shilo knew he'd replay in his mind time and again, grounding him, settling the flurry of thoughts like birds finally finding rest. Sianni's lips curved into a smile she tried hard to keep under wraps, but Shilo was fine.

Cupid had shot her in the ass!

His stare was electrifying, sending tingles down her spine, making her stomach flutter like wildflowers in a gentle breeze.

Shilo's mind raced, searching for the right words to keep her there.

"Sianni, I'm.. I... I'm uh... uh, Shilo, I just wanted to say hi." he stammered, wanting to die as he reached out his hand, but she was giggling, so it hadn't been too bad. "I couldn't let you leave without saying something."

Sianni hesitated just a moment before their hands met, his touch light yet impactful.

"Well... Hi, Shilo," Sianni had a smile playing on her lips. "It's nice to meet you."

"You're absolutely gorgeous, insanely."

Her cheeks taking on a warm, bronzed tint.

"Thank you,"

"If I knew today was gonna be the day I suddenly forgot how to speak to an attractive woman, I'd have Googled some clever pick-up lines. Think I might be star-struck," His words smooth as he pressed his lips to her knuckles.

"That's adorable," Sianni giggled, as they continued their handshake. "You can let my hand go now," she teased, pulling lightly.

"I never want to,"

The butterflies in Sianni's stomach soared, yet a wave of calm washed over her, anchoring her to the moment. Her attempt to pull away stalled as their eyes locked, a silent challenge flickering between them.

In that shared breath, their hands remained intertwined, each trying to decipher the other yet failing to penetrate the surface.

The uncertainty, seared through her, so surreal and intensely real. A slow burn ignited in the pit of her stomach, undeniable and raw.

Sianni soaked up every second, living a slice of a love story she never expected to find.

"Let's go get our luggage," Shilo's voice was husky, his eyes darting briefly from her glossy lips back to her mesmerizing gaze.

Sianni felt his hand tighten around hers, their fingers intertwining naturally. His touch was gentle yet intentional, a touch she welcomed with a soft squeeze of her own, her skin tingling where his fingers brushed hers.

Their walk was quiet, filled with stolen glances and shy smiles—neither seemed to know quite what to say, but their eyes communicated more than words ever could.

At the baggage claim, they stood unusually close; Sianni casually rested her foot against his, anchoring herself in the moment with him.

The carousel was motionless for now, a temporary pause in their unfolding story.

"You're a very handsome man," Sianni tilted her head to take him in, her gaze lingering appreciatively before meeting his eyes again. "But I'm sure you know that already,"

She inhaled discreetly, his scent leaving her a little dizzy.

"It is your eyes that are beauty, but tell me again," Shilo rolled up his sleeves. "I got chills just hearing it come from you."

Goosebumps were indeed visible on his skin, a tangible response to her words.

Sianni smiled, her heart fluttering.

"You are quite the charmer, Shilo."

"Is it working enough to go to dinner with me?"

"Nope. What's in LA for you? You live here?" Her heart danced to its own erratic rhythm.

"Mm, nah, I got a show tomorrow night."

"You rap!?"

"I have an exhibition opening. I'll put your name on the list."

Sianni mind had raced at first sight—perhaps he was a famous athlete, a model or in the fashion industry, the way he'd been scribbling in his notebook throughout the flight suggested a rapper. Sianni was even poised to offer her styling services, assuming he might need them.

But a painter? That possibility reshaped her initial impressions, coming into focus vividly.

"Sculpture? Paintings?" she asks, tilting her head slightly.

Shilo's lips curl into a smirk. "Oil paintings lately, but I dabble in different mediums."

Sianni's gaze flicked to the bag slung over Shilo's shoulder.

It was a 2014 Chanel Spring Multicolor Canvas Graffiti Art School Backpack—a statement, much like everything else about Shilo.

"How would you describe your art?"

"I don't have the words," Shilo tapped his chest. "You just gotta see for yourself."

Sianni raised an eyebrow, "I think you're just trying to lure me into a date."

"Damn, you caught me."

"I love your bag.. might rob you for it," With a fluid grace, Shilo eased the backpack from his shoulders, extending it slightly toward her.

"You want it?"

Sianni's eyes darted from the backpack to Shilo's face, searching for any hint of a joke. It was rare for an artsy nigga to just hand over a piece.

She couldn't help but smile. "Are you serious?"

"Absolutely. Let's call it an early birthday gift, or a late one, depending on how you look at it." Shilo shrugged. "Seeing your reaction is worth more than holding onto it."

"Thanks, you're really sweet," Sianni appraised Shilo anew, her eyes taking a slow tour before meeting his again. "Can you quit gatekeeping me from myself now."

A flicker of panic crossed Shilo's features, revealing a crack in his cool exterior. He had thought his sketchbook was well concealed, but Sianni's sharp eyes had caught him off guard.

"Wasn't trying to hide it, really. Just wasn't sure how to bring it up."

"Wait, I was kidding. Omg can I see?"

Shilo pauses, feeling his heartbeat quicken. This was like opening a window to his soul. With a nod, he hands over his sketchbook, the pages crackling softly as she takes it.

Sianni's fingers brush the cover before she opens it, and her eyes trace the contours of her own image on the paper. The sketch is vivid, capturing her with a hand resting gently on her cheek, a book cradled in her lap. It's drawn from his perspective, lending an intimate, almost invasive depth to the artwork.

"Oddly, I'm quite flattered. Being a stranger's muse is so romantic," she murmurs, her voice soft as she examines the drawing.

Sianni begins flipping backward through the sketchbook, each page revealing more of Shilo's undeniable talent. Her curiosity is piqued, and with each new sketch, Shilo felt his heart rate skyrocket, each turn of the page tightening the imaginary noose around his neck.

"How does it feel being God's favorite, huh?" Sianni glanced up at him through her lashes, her lips curved in a playful smile. "My sketches are nothing compared to yours. I'd love to see some of your other paintings."

She handed the sketchbook back to him, her fingers lingering a moment too long. The fact that she noticed, that she cared enough to delve into his work, tugged at Shilo's heartstrings. It felt like she was about to kill him, the way his heart pounded relentlessly against his chest.

"And, I didn't take you for the type to be afraid to speak. You scared of a bad bitch or something?" Sianni sassed. "I think so."

Hospital beeps seem to ring in Shilo's ears before he erupts into laughter.

"You're... man," His eyes wide, shimmering with genuine awe and a touch of bewilderment. "Beautiful. I just, I dunno," he shook his head, lost for words. "Wanted to jump flight forreal."

"And kill us all!?" Sianni's laugh is melodic, her eyes crinkling at the corners.

"Nah, I was gonna save you first... definitely would've saved you, THEN jumped out."

"Awe, already willing to die for me. Real lover." She couldn't stop laughing.

"Couldn't find the right words with you," Shilo rubbed his neck, his other hand still intertwined with hers. "You make me nervous."

Sianni giggled, her fingers brushing his arm, drawing him closer. The glint in her eyes showed she was reveling in this new obsession.

"Feeling a bit nervous now, aren't you?"

"Dawg, what, feel like I'm about to have a heart attack. My heart won't calm down."

"Don't feel too embarrassed," Sianni soothes, rubbing his shoulder gently. "I do have a way of making people feel that way."

Her smile was radiant, all teeth on display.

Shilo looks at Sianni, his heart still racing but now filled with a strange sense of peace. She's a mystery he's eager to unravel, and for the first time, he feels like he's ready to take the leap.

He leaned into her touch, "Is that so? Well, keep it up then. You're making me feel like the most important girl in the airport."

"Stop love bombing me, it's working," Sianni sassed, not even bothered.

He grinned. "If I'm gonna plan our whole life in a day, I gotta make sure you're on board. How about we start with dinner tonight?"

Sianni couldn't help but grin as she looked Shilo up and down. She felt a little thrill run through her; it wasn't often someone grabbed her attention like this.

Damn, this man really got me cheesing in the airport in front of other niggas, "So, where you from? You sound like you're from the Bay,"

Shilo snorted. "Nah, that's funny. Detroit. You?"

"Dallas, I've nev—"

"Gotta take you then. You need the real D-town experience anyway, you from Dallas."

"Ha. Ha. Ha. from D to D, huh?" She cracked up at her own joke. "I've never seen you before. Definitely feel like we'll be in the same circle."

He laughed, a deep, easy sound. "You think you know everyone in the city? I'm out the way."

Niggas always out the way, Sianni thought, rolling her eyes playfully. "Yeah, pretty much. But I haven't been there in a while so new tourists come in and don't even check in."

"Like that,"

"Exactly," Sianni went serious before she bursted into laughter. "Seriously, I haven't lived in Dallas since I was... 17. I'm based in Chicago now was just visiting family."

He raised an eyebrow, his fingers absentmindedly playing with the clasp of his bracelet. "What's in LA for you?"

"Lil modeling gig—for Sephora they're shooting downtown. But," she added quickly, wanting to keep the conversation off her modeling, "also much needed catching up with my gwrols,"

Sianni stepped out, looking like she's just sauntered off a runway. Her Chanel SS21 logo t-shirt, look #20, clinging perfectly to her frame, exuding effortless chic. Paired with Gianvito Rossi suede stiletto sandals in black, she's a vision of urban elegance.

The iconic noir mini kelly dangles from her left arm, its gold hardware glinting with every subtle movement. Her right wrist, adorned with a cartier diamond-pavéd love bracelet alongside a clou bracelet, both in gleaming 18k yellow gold.

"Like what you do?"

"Yeah, I mean, it's fun to do. Don't take it too seriously—it's my hobby, temporarily my career until I'm out of grad school. And I do styling too; I do a lot." Sianni's smile falters slightly, a crack in her polished veneer. "I actually hate telling people I model."

Shilo's brow furrowed, a hint of concern softening his sharp features. "Why?"

"I guess I just don't wanna be boxed into that one identity,"

"Feel you on that, my baby. People see the surface and think they know you."

Baby... No... MY.

Sianni could've sworn she heard him repeat those syllables a million times in just a second. Each utterance felt like tiny kisses for her ears, leaving her mind swirling in a blissful haze.

She liked the way he spoke, his voice rolling like beach waves. She found herself watching his lips very closely, hypnotized by the motion.

His features were strikingly sculpted, from the high cheekbones to the firm, defined jawline, each angle catching shadows and light in just the right way. His eyes, thoughtful and deep, lent an intensity to his aura that was hard to ignore.

His athletic build was unmistakable, with broad shoulders tapering down to a trim waist. He was dressed as if he was planning a trip to Colorado, sporting a Supreme x The North Face green leopard jacket, unzipped to reveal a crisp white long john clinging snugly underneath.

Could anyone be more perfect? Could her morning be any more perfect?

"My baby? We're moving fast, sir."

Shilo held up their intertwined hands.

"Why slow down? Shit feels so right. Feels like a dream, like time standing still, and all I want is to savor every second with you. Plus, I never smiled this much in my life, Bib."

Her heart felt like it might burst, but her face remained composed, thanks to her natural resting expression, which masked the raced thoughts.

She couldn't help but wonder if she was his love at first sight and is this what it felt like?

"My hand is so sweaty..." Sianni mumbled, a blush creeping across her cheeks.

"Ye, they're a bit sweaty," Shilo chuckled, his brown orbs tracing every inch of her. "I didn't mean it like that... yet. You gotta mess with Detroit to understand the lingo, el o el."

Sianni laughter spilled out freely, "Did you just el o el me? ...you're delusional,"

"Ain delusional if it's already happening, honey." Her jaw dropped slightly.

They were locked in a playful stare-off, each sporting goofy grins.

He was so her.

Sianni paused, really taking him, biting her lip slightly as her eyes swept over Shilo with a look that was unmistakably lustful. Her eyes briefly dropped to their still intertwined hands.

"How did you manage to check in?" Sianni glances back up at him, a curious arch to her brow. "You almost missed the flight."

"I dunno, thankfully I don't have shit with me 'cause—"


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