everybody knows just what's happening

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It had been a couple days after Octane and you had arrived back at the Apex Games apartments. Tonight, Mirage arrived at home. You sat on the couch, huddled under the blanket, keeping your eyes on the bright TV that was shining in the dark room. You could hear Octane and Mirage arguing from the kitchen. Probably about the lack of communication between the two. And the drugs, the police, etc. Fortunately, they had gotten away from the police, this time. You tuned out the quiet arguing and focused on the show. 

After a couple minutes, you glanced over to see Octane walking down the hallway to his room. Mirage came over and sat on the other side of the couch. "So..." he started, looking over to the TV, "What are you watching?" 

"[TV Show Name.]" You responded, keeping your eyes on the TV.

"Oh, cool. I've heard of that one." Mirage spoke, falling quiet. After a while of awkward silence, you spoke up. "Hey, I'm sorry about the miscommunication. Octavio got in some trouble, and the situation was urgent."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. It's okay, I guess." Mirage shrugged it off. However, you could tell it still wasn't okay. You understood how Mirage was frustrated. But, technically it wasn't your fault. Then, the two of you fell silent again for a little bit. Soon enough, you grabbed the remote and paused the show. Standing up, you handed Mirage the remote. "I'm gonna go to bed. Goodnight, Elliott." You waved slightly, with a small smile. "Goodnight, [Y/N]." He responded with a small smile as well.

So, you walked down the hallway and opened Octane's door. Inside, you saw him with those drugs. He glanced over to you, with a little guilty grin. He didn't even stop injecting the drugs as you stepped in. You walked over, sitting down next to him, and reaching for the syringes. "Hey, hey, hey. C'mon..." Octane whined, shooing your hand away from his stash. You looked at him, unamused. Although you were also an adrenaline junkie, you weren't sure about these new drugs. 

But, you couldn't stop him as he injected another one. You could see him start to tremble. Suddenly, the adrenaline junkie stood up, and you quickly did as well. The boy pulled you in for a quick kiss. "I have a great idea." He murmured, and rushed out of the room.

"Octavio, wait!" You gasped and he left, slamming the door behind him. Scrambling over to the door, you hurried to open in and rush into the living room.

However, Octane was already gone.

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