"Remember, you're my ride home, so I'll meet you right here after class." Ten said, standing outside of Sicheng's classroom.
"You've told me that a hundred times! I won't forget!" The taller sighed, giving Ten one last wave before entering the math class.
Sicheng was a little nervous. He hadn't talked to Yuta since yesterday when he gave him the answers, and now he had to sit right next to him, practically connected at the hip, for a whole hour.
He wasn't sure why he did what he did yesterday. He had just seen Yuta panicking, had seen the mocking look on his teacher's face, and he had wanted, no, needed to help. His hands had practically moved on their own, scratching down the answer and passing it to the boy.
Making his way towards his desk, he was surprised to find Yuta already there. "Good afternoon." He said, louder than he meant to.
Once Yuta realized who was speaking to him, he gave him one of the brightest smiles the Chinese had ever seen. "Hello there, Sicheng."
Wow. Did Yuta always look that amazing? Why had he never noticed before?
Something about the situation reminded him about the conversation he had with Ten the other day at his house.
What did the Thai say this feeling was again? Sicheng wracked his brain for a second, before he finally remembered.
"No." He whispered to himself, taking a seat. "You like girls."
Yuta glanced up from his homework. "Did you say something?"
Sicheng shook his head. "Umm, nope! Don't think so."
The Japanese hesitantly nodded his head, before looking back to the packet in front of him.
"What are you doing?" Sicheng asked, observing the older.
Yuta turned, holding up the stack of papers. "Studying for the test?"
Panicking a little, he asked a question, fearing the answer. "What test?"
Realizing the younger had no idea what he was talking about, he felt sorry. "The math test we're taking today?"
Sicheng groaned, and layed back in his chair. "I completely forgot." He lightly smacked his forehead. "Looks like I'm failing this one."
Yuta smiled a mischievous grin. "That depends." he leaned closer to the flustered boy, whispering in his ear. "How do you feel about cheating?"
Mr. Kang entered the room, and cleared his throat. "Everything off your desks, we're taking a quiz!"
The students groaned and pushed everything to the floor.
Yuta could see Sicheng was debating in his head, so he tried to make the decision easier. "I really don't mind." He whispered, so no one around could hear.
"I can't guarantee I'll get 100%, but I did study for a while last night." He tempted the younger, seeing him begin to give in.
They stopped their conversation as their old teacher walked by their desks, handing them each a paper.
"You really wouldn't mind?" Sicheng whispered back, biting his lip.
"Are you kidding?" Yuta chuckled. "I'd let you copy off my papers any day."
The Chinese had no doubt of this, and after pondering for a moment, decided to abandon his morals.
"Alright." He smiled. "Let's do this."
Yuta silently cheered. Never before had be been so grateful that he had studied. If he had known that Sicheng would be copying off of him, he would have spent the whole week preparing.
Their system was great. Yuta would solve the problem, write it down, and as nonchalant as he could, Sicheng would look and write it down too.
Yuta wasn't sure if he actually knew what he was doing, or if it was the motivation to do good for Sicheng, but he was killing it.
They were almost to the bottom of the page when their teacher, who had been circling the classroom, stopped in front of them.
He swiped both of their papers in one quick motion, and examined them carefully.
"What a coincidence! You two are on the exact same problem!" He looked closer. "And you have the exact same answers, even the wrong ones!"
Sicheng was nervous, but Yuta played it off cool. "Wow! We really just must be alike!" He turned to the panicking boy next to him with a smile.
Mr. Kang narrowed his eyes. "Yeah, I'm sure."
He handed Sicheng back his test, but kept Yuta's. "This has you written all over it, Nakamoto. Come with me."
Yuta groaned and made his way to the front of the class, where he was handed a detention slip.
Just as they were making their way out the door, with their math teacher gripping tight on the back of Yuta's shirt, a voice stopped them.
"I did it too!"
The whole class turned back to face Sicheng who was standing by his desk.
"Did what?" Mr. Kang looked in suspicion.
"Cheated." Sicheng smiled and crossed his arms across his chest, seeming proud. "And I cheated yesterday too!"
Their teacher stared at the boy in confusion. "Why are you telling me this?"
The Chinese took a step forward, getting braver. "Because if you're going to punish Yuta, you should punish me too."
Mr. Kang blinked in disbelief a few times, but ultimately grabbed another slip off his desk, signing a name on the top.
"Nakamoto Yuta and Dong Sicheng, detention!"
Johnny walked through the empty halls, looking for his friend. Yuta was supposed to meet him out front after school, but he was nowhere to be found.
He could have sworn he heard the Japanese say that his last class was math, so that's where he was headed.
Nearing the classroom, he heard someone talking to themselves. "Yuta? Where have you been, you-" Johnny found someone, but it wasn't who he was looking for. This male was shorter, with a lot more piercings, and- was that a tattoo peeking out from underneath his rolled up sleeves?
"You are definitely not Yuta." He eyed the boy, who was aggressively texting someone.
"Keen observation skills." The smaller laughed, not bothering to look up. He was too busy trying to get ahold of his ride.
Confused as to why the stranger was still watching him, Ten looked up from his phone.
His eyes widened as he locked gazes with the stranger he'd only dreamed about. "It's you." He whispered, still in shock.
"It's me?" The taller laughed. "Johnny Suh, it's nice to finally meet you."
What was Ten doing? He was always confident, so why was he staring at this man like a starry-eyed teenage girl?
Snapping out of it, he slipped his phone in his pocket, turning all of his attention on the giant in front of him. "You can call me, Ten."
"You most certainly are one." Johnny smirked, and somehow they were standing much closer than they were when they started the conversation.
Ten leaned closer, almost standing on his tip-toes. "Smooth, Johnny. Very smooth." He laughed, getting closer to the giant by the second.
The taller smirked leaning down a little more. "Thank you, I just say it like I see it." He liked the way the younger said his name, it made him feel something inside. "Now why are you standing out here all by yourself?"
Ten sighed, and slightly frowned. "Sicheng was supposed to give me a ride home, but in his text, he said he was in detention with Yuta."
Johnny gasped, ever so casually moving his hand to rest on the smaller's waist. "What a coincidence! I was supposed to give Yuta a ride, but seeing as he's busy, all I have is an empty car and no one to drive." He tilted his head. "Care for a ride?"
Ten wasn't dumb, he felt Johnny's strong hands, but he didn't mind. In fact, he decided to play along, placing his on the older's broad shoulders. "Absolutely."
Making their way out of the school with Ten practically latching onto the older, Johnny spoke again.
"You know, I know this lovely little place we can stop at on the way. It's quiet and unoccupied right now." He said, wrapping an arm around the Thai's shoulders.
"Sounds interesting." Ten pondered. "Where is it?"
"My house." Johnny said, causing the younger's cheeks to suddenly have a pink tint to them.
Ten smiled, and somehow got even closer to the proud man. "Oh, you are smooth."
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