Chapter 24: An Unhinged Prefect

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"ROSEHEARTS-KUN! YOU MUSTN'T!" Crowley shouted.

"I WON'T BELIEVE IT!" Riddle screamed.

With a high, ragged scream, he tried to run forward.

Then he stopped.

The scepter went clattering to the ground, and he looked down at his hands, swaying unsteadily.

He clutched at his face, bending almost double and wracked with tremors.

And he screamed.

Tendrils of inky blackness exploded up, engulfing him as he threw his head back, still screaming.

Trey's magical pen dropped to the ground.
"RIDDLE!!!!" Came his answering scream, voice cracking with terror and a heartwrenching note of despair.

Kat's eyes were stinging, her throat was burning, and the ground was starting to shake under her feet again.

Despite all that, she couldn't seem to move...
She was frozen to the spot, eyes fixed on Riddle.

He wasn't even visible anymore...
There was just a pulsating mass of black liquid where he had been, churning and shifting unpleasantly.

The ground started rumbling again.
More and more shards of earth, leaves, shattered rosewood and bits of hedge floated up into the air.

The black fog was hanging heavy in the air now, and the sky had gone from simply stormy to a roiling pitch black.
Strange winds of energy blew through the garden, starting to whip into a frenzy.

She could hear the dorm students screaming and crying out in terror, trying to gather themselves to escape.

But-- where was there to escape TO?

People were staggering around, running and yelling over the ever-growing rumblings. But it all just sounded like a buzzing in her ears as she stood, staring at the glistening black mass.

After a few seconds, the black substance started to ebb away, draining back into a puddle on the ground.
Little by little, it dribbled down, revealing rose-red hair and a delicate frame.

Riddle was still standing, but slumped, dangling over like a puppet waiting for its puppetmaster.

His clothes....
It was as if the black substance had stained his crisp white uniform, eating away at it.
His cape was gone, and the overskirt at his waist seemed even longer... Like a wedding train of tattered, deep red and black fabric, gleaming like silk.

The roses at his hips, too... There were more of them, huge white flower heads stained with black.
His sleeves hung tattered from his shoulders, bare arms dangling limply at his sides.

His skin.... How had it gotten that pale?! He'd been pretty light before, but now he was shockingly white, like a corpse.

More black liquid dribbled down his forearms, twisting around them like vines and gathering at his hands like short gloves.

He twitched slightly, then jerked.
His torso rolled back upright, slowly. Then finally, he raised his head.
His eyes were closed, like he was asleep or unconscious or--
Don't even think that. There's no way that's possible.

It wasn't just that his clothes were stained or disintegrated, she realized.
His jacket had been replaced by some sort of bodice, almost a corset. It was split red and black with black metallic accents, forming a spiky, gothic heart on his chest.
His high-necked shirt was gone, with a tall white vampire collar in its place... A ragged, almost burned-looking one.

In fact, nothing about him looked crisp or clean anymore.....
It was all dark and battered, but oddly... Beautiful, in a way, with silklike gleams pulsing through the fabric and leather of the outfit.

But his transformation wasn't complete. Not quite yet.

The black fog around him condensed into hovering droplets, forming shapes...
A spiky decorative ruff, like a wrought-iron fence, appeared under the tall collar. A pair of thorned vines arched out from the small of his back like the loops of a bow.
Then a sharp, ornate crown, hollow like black filigree, materialized on the side of his head.

A few more droplets slithered over his face, tinting his lips dark and clinging to his eyelashes like heavy mascara.
Finally, the remaining liquid spread out, creating an ornate heart-shaped pattern around his right eye.

Then he opened his eyes.

His eyes.....

....They weren't gray anymore.

They were a deep red, glowing faintly with an eerie light.
The light from his right eye grew in intensity, and ethereal scarlet flames flickered into life, surrounding his eye like a-- like a...

She'd reached her limit with the fanciful descriptions...
And there was really only one way to describe this, anyway.
He had a fiery, glowing Sans Undertale eye.
That was it.
That was what it was.
It was red instead of blue and yellow, obviously, but that's exactly what it looked like.

The feeling pouring off of him now...
It was strong, almost too strong.
It was like gravity pressing down on her, trying to crush her.
She felt her skin crawl, goosebumps rippling across her body in colliding waves. It was an aura of-- of pure darkness...
Not exactly evil, but dark, crushing and painful.

"...Oh, god," she muttered, taking a few tottering steps back and clapping her hands over her mouth.
"Oh god, fuck..... What-- what HAPPENED to him?! What the hell-- what IS that?!"

Riddle looked down at himself for a moment, surveying himself almost robotically.

Then he started laughing.

It started off quiet, but rose quickly-- louder than it had any right to be.
There was a crackling, layered sound to it, like he had his mouth too close to a crappy microphone.

Still laughing, he spread his arms, actually rising into the air. A few rivulets of black liquid dripped off the soles of his tall boots, splashing into the puddle at his feet.
The laughter boomed through the air, too deep for a cackle, but way too loud for a chuckle. This was a full-on villain's laugh if she'd ever heard one, deep, menacing and full of pride and power.

After a second, he stopped laughing, drifting forward.
His tattered train dragged across the ground, along with chains of playing cards, trailing from his waist like long ribbons.

"All of you are disobedient fools," he declared.
His voice wasn't just crackly and layered... It was like there was another voice, a monstrous, inhuman voice, speaking at the exact same time he was.

"I have no use for the likes of you. Not in MY world."

Kat stepped back a bit more, hands pressed over her mouth and feeling herself start to shake again.

The puddle of black stuff churned and bubbled, and the ground was starting to shake again... Even harder this time.
Something was rising up from the puddle. The thick black substance started taking on a shape, with disgusting liquid-y noises.

"Here, in MY world, I AM the law," Riddle continued, spreading his hands even wider, like he was urging the... thing... to rise even faster.
"In MY world.... I AM ORDER ITSELF!"

With a final rumble, the thing took shape. It pulled itself all the way out of the puddle with its massive hands, like it had climbed through from another world.
It was-- it was....

....Oh, Jesus Christ-- was that another mine monster?!

It sure as hell LOOKED like it.
Everything was there... The ink-bottle head, the tattered clothes, the churning black 'flesh' and the enormous three-fingered hands.

This one was a whole lot bigger, though.

Its head was a glass bottle, but not round-- this one was heart-shaped, and had an ornate gilt stopper, in the shape of a spiky crown.

It also wasn't wearing a cap or a shirt...

In fact, it was wearing a dress.
Or maybe a gown would be a better term... Made of faded red and black velvet, stitched together visibly with a patchwork, cobbled-together feel.
A black-and-red heart on its 'chest', a ragged overskirt and bustle from the 'hips', parted in the front to reveal the column of roiling black substance in place of legs, a tall white collar...
.....It looked just like Riddle.

Or at least, Riddle's new-- new... 'outfit', or 'form', or whatever this was...
Not EXACTLY, but the resemblance was there, and pretty obvious, too.

.....She kind of hated herself for it, but the first thought that popped into her head was 'Stand'.
It-- that's what it looked like.... The huge behemoth looming behind the small, floating figure of Riddle.

Riddle continued to speak.

"The only answer I'll permit is a cry of 'Yes, Lord Riddle!" He declared, extending his right arm.
The monster lifted its arm as well.
The black substance shot out, coiling around one of the only rosebushes still remaining in the ground and intact.

With a ripping, splintering sound and a skin-crawling schlorp, it recoiled, reforming into the shape of a fist with the rose tree clutched in it.

"And as for anyone who dares to defy me..."

He floated up a little higher, raising his arm. The huge, goopy monster raised its arm too, lifting the rosebush like a weapon.


With an insane cackle, Riddle swept his arm down. The monster swung, rosebush arching down through the air like a hammer.

Kat flinched, freezing again.
Shit-- shit, shit, shit, shit, SHIT, it was coming right down towards all of them!

Crowley jumped forward, almost shoving Trey out of the way as he raised his walking stick.
There was a flash, and a huge, pale gold half-bubble of light shimmered into existence around him, Kat, Trey and the still-kneeling Ace and Deuce.

The rosebush collided with it, bouncing off and actually sending the monster reeling back.

"HURRY!" The Headmaster urged, looking over his shoulder at them. "Gather yourselves and get out of the way-- quickly!"

Kat shook her head, blinking hard.

Trey was still standing in front of her, frozen and staring at the floating figure of Riddle.
Reaching out, she grabbed the back of his jacket, dragging him back with all her strength.
"Trey, come ON!"

He staggered, but managed to get his feet under him as she pulled him along, running towards the far end of the wrecked garden.

Grim skittered past her feet, with Trey's magical pen clutched in his mouth.
Deuce pulled Ace to his feet, running along as well with Cater taking up the rear.

The group reached the far end of the garden, huddling by a knocked-over hedge wall and panting.

"What-- the fuck-- is THAT?!" Kat coughed, looking back over at Riddle and the inky monster.
Grim jumped into her arms, shivering as his teeth chattered around Trey's magical pen.

Cater was pacing up and down, running both his hands through his hair frantically. He'd actually pulled it loose from its half-up semi-ponytail, a panicked look on his face.

"This is bad, this is bad, this is reallyreallyreallyREALLY bad... ShitshitshitshitshitSHIT!" He panted, eyes wide and staring at nothing.
"Fuck.... What do we do?!"

After a second, the half-bubble of light faded, then dissipated.

Kat thought she could see a streaking whoosh of black feathers shoot up through the air. Then, Crowley suddenly jumped down from nowhere, landing lightly in a small burst of sparkles.
He put a hand to his forehead, actually looking more than a little shaken.

"Ahhh... Wh-What have I done?!" He demanded weakly, mostly to himself, it seemed. "I-- I can't believe it..."

He took a few unsteady steps back, shaking his head and looking down at his hands in shock.
"I've allowed a student to overblot in my presence...!"

"Ohh-er-ot?!" Grim tried to ask.
Kat snatched Trey's pen out of his mouth, and he shook his head, licking his lips for a second.

" 'Overblot'?" He repeated, huddling further into her arms. "What the heck's THAT mean?! Is that why he's got that scary dark aura all over 'im now?!"

Crowley shook his head, looking over at them, like he was remembering they were still there.
"Overblot is an extremely dangerous condition-- one that mages must avoid at ALL COSTS!"

He looked back at Riddle and the monster.
"At this very moment, Rosehearts-kun is overcome by negative energy, and lost control of both his magic and his emotions!"

Kat blinked, glancing back at the rampaging Housewarden.

"...Oh," she said. "It's-- THAT kind of thing, huh?"
Yeah, that made sense...

"Huh?! I-- I still don't get it!" Grim spluttered.

"Me, neither!" Deuce interjected, looking panicked.

Cater ruffled his hair aggressively with both hands, shaking his head and glaring at the group.
"Ahhh-- DAMMIT! In other words, he's basically in evil villain berserker mode right now, okay?!"

Trey shook his head as well, apparently pulling himself together.
He reached over, grabbing his pen from Kat's hand.
"It's not just what he might be capable of.... If he keeps unleashing magical energy like that, his life's gonna be in danger!"

"Oh, shit," Kat muttered, holding Grim a little tighter and clapping her hand over her mouth.

"H-His LIFE?!" Grim yelped, ears flattening. "Does that mean-- h-he'll DIE?!"

Ace and Deuce looked around at each other, faces going pale.

Crowley shook his head again, looking around.
"In any case-- the safety of my students is my top priority! I must help the dormitory residents to evacuate immediately. As for Rosehearts-kun..."

He looked back at the hovering Riddle, letting out a shaky breath.
"...We must bring him back to his senses before his magical energy runs dry! As bad as it would be to lose HIM, there are scenarios that are far, far worse..."

He gave another weak exhale, putting a hand to his forehead.
Then he snapped to attention, looking firmly at the little group.

"That being said! It is far too dangerous for you to remain here any longer! Escape at once and seek help from the other housewardens and faculty members! I'm sure that, with their assistance, we'll be able to return Rosehearts-kun to his former--"

Ace shoved past, sprinting straight towards Riddle and his enormous monster. He pulled his magical pen out of his jacket, giving an angry shout and swinging it.
A massive gust of sparkling wind whipped through the air, shoving the clinging black fog back.
Riddle recoiled, throwing both his arms up over his face to shield himself.

The whole group yelped in shock, Kat actually dropping Grim again as she jumped.

"A-ACE!" She yelled, feeling her voice crack again. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU--"


With another shout, Deuce ran forward as well, pointing his pen.

A distant burst of sparkles flashed, and a huge black cauldron fell onto the shadow-creature, making it roar furiously.

"DEUCE!!" She screamed, jumping forward. She narrowly avoided tripping on Grim as he also made a mad dash forward.
Pelting across the ground at top speed, he blew an enormous plume of blue fire.

"GRIM!!" She screamed again, clenching her fists in an overwhelming mixture of fear, incredulity and anger.

The floating Riddle regained his 'balance', shaking his head and turning to face the trio of attackers.
"Wh--Why, you.... You INSOLENT FOOLS! What do you think you're doing?!"

Cater choked in shock again, running up next to Kat and gaping at the three of them.
"Wh-- What the fuck... HEY!!! THE HELL ARE YOU IDIOTS DOING?!"

As he shouted, Riddle raised a hand, gathering floating bits of rock around him like a magnet.
Then he swung his hand, and the shards of stone shot down, flying like bullets through the air.

"SHIT," Kat swore.

Crowley raised his walking stick again, summoning another glowing shield, and the rocks bounced off.

"Wh-- HEY!" Cater spluttered, looking incredulously at the three of them. "Didn't you guys get the MESSAGE?! It's WAY too DANGEROUS!"

Grim panted a little, shaking his head and looking around at them.
"Y-YEAH, but... Won't he be in BIG trouble if this keeps goin'?! D'ya just wanna LEAVE him like this?!"

"Grim's right," Deuce agreed, cracking his knuckles. "If I left now, when I could've done something-- I wouldn't be able to live with myself!"

"And BESIDES," Ace added, gritting his teeth. "There's no way in HELL I'm givin' up until I hear that little jerk say 'I was WRONG-- and I'm SORRY'!"

"Wh--" Kat spluttered, then crossed her arms nervously.
Dammit..... They had a point.
She hated to admit it, but they all had a point....
Well, all except for Ace, who just had to put the most selfish spin on every possible situation.

"You guys...."
Trey looked back and forth between them. Then he took a deep breath, gripping his pen tight.
"...All right... I get it."

He stepped forward, pulling the brim of his hat down a little. He was probably just trying to adjust it or keep it on his head, but it was a pretty cool move....

"...I'll probably be able to overwrite his magic for a little while longer. In the meantime... You guys handle him!"

He turned to Crowley, still holding up his walking stick to maintain the shield, but gaping over at all of them, dumbfounded.

"Headmaster-- I'll leave evacuating the students to you!"

Crowley blinked, mouth falling open even wider. Then he shook his head, luminous eyes narrowing in a stern glower.
"Wh-- N-Now-- wait just a MOMENT, all of you! This is FAR too dangerous! I simply CANNOT allow it!"

"He's RIGHT!" Cater burst out, stepping forward and gesturing urgently.
"Trey-kun, what the hell are you THINKING?! You can't beat RIDDLE- you KNOW that! ESPECIALLY not right NOW!"

Ace scoffed, planting his fists on his hips.
"Oh, PLEASE-- come ON! What, you're sayin' you're the type of guy who only gets in a fight when he KNOWS he can win?! What a joke!"

"Yeah, he's RIGHT!" Grim agreed, crossing his front legs with a scowl. "That ain't cool at ALL!"

"And this is the best bet we have to snap him out of this," Deuce added, slamming his fist against his palm again. "It may not be MUCH, but it's sure as hell better than NOTHING, right?!"

Trey nodded. His eyes were fixed firmly on the distant figure of Riddle, almost overshadowed by the enormous mass of the monster.

"...I can't lose him here," he said, voice low and hoarse as he gripped his pen even tighter. "Not when there's still something I have to say to him!"

"G-Guys," Kat murmured, looking around at

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