A Tale of Two canon event!!! RAHHHH!!!
Miles Morales, also known as Prowler, had always felt the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. As a hero, he had the power to protect, to save lives. But sometimes, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't be there in time to prevent tragedy.
Losing his father had been a devastating blow, a wound that still ached in his heart. And now, he had lost you, his beloved significant other, the person who had become his world. The guilt and burden of not being able to save you weighed heavily on his soul.
The memories of that fateful day played in his mind like a never-ending loop. He could see you, your smile, your laughter, the way your eyes lit up when you looked at him. But then, it all shattered, just like the world around him.
He had been caught up in another battle, trying to protect the innocent, unaware of the danger that was unfolding elsewhere. By the time he received the call, it was too late. He raced to the scene, desperation pumping through his veins, only to find the aftermath of devastation.
His heart shattered into countless pieces as he knelt beside your lifeless form, unable to comprehend the reality before him. The guilt consumed him, the regret gnawed at his every thought. If only he had been with you, if only he had arrived sooner, maybe he could have saved you.
"No!" His voice filled with despair and agony as he placed your head on his lap. "No, no, no, no, please.. please..."
Miles recalled the pain of losing his father, the agony of not being able to be there in his final moments. He had promised himself that he would never let another person he cared about suffer the same fate. But now, he had failed once again.
He blamed himself, questioning his abilities as a hero. How could he call himself a hero when he couldn't even protect the ones he loved? The burden of guilt grew heavier with each passing day, threatening to consume him whole.
The city needed its hero, but Miles found it hard to put on the mask, to face the world as if everything was okay. His heart ached with an emptiness that could never be filled. The memories of you haunted him, a constant reminder of his failure.
He sought solace in the silence of his room, clutching a photograph of the two of you. The tears flowed freely down his face as he whispered broken apologies to the image before him. He wished he could turn back time, rewrite the script, and keep you safe.
The guilt gnawed at him, tearing him apart from the inside. He replayed every moment leading up to your demise, wondering if he could have done something differently. The responsibility weighed heavily on him, and he couldn't bear to face anyone, especially not your friends and family.
Unable to bear the weight of his grief, Miles made a desperate decision. He remembered stories of multiple universes, parallel realities where different versions of people existed. And he heard rumors of a universe where you were still alive.
Driven by a mix of hope and desperation, he decided to jump into that universe, to find you and hold you in his arms once more. The thought of being reunited with you, even in a different reality, gave him a glimmer of hope in the darkness of his sorrow.
But when he arrived in that new universe, he was met with a devastating reality. There you were, alive and well, but you already had your own Miles Morales – a version of him that had never experienced the same heart-wrenching loss.
Miles stood there, hidden in the shadows, watching the two of you together. He saw how happy you were, how much love you shared with this other version of himself. And even though he knew he shouldn't interfere, he couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy and longing.
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