"Nameeeee! Stop the car! Stoooop!!" Alfred screamed, tears forming at the corner of his eyes. He shrunk on the passenger seat when you stepped on the gas more, making the car zoom even quicker.
Your laughter filled the car as you drove along the quiet streets. You see, Alfred requested to ride with you through the night but he instantly regretted it from the moment your foot came contact with the gas pedal. Turns out, he didn't know that you were a former racer. "Why should I? This is fun, isn't it?" You giggled, stepping on the breaks for a bit to turn right.
Alfred gripped the chair as he internally prayed to still be alive in the morning. His tears streamed down his face as he continuously screamed for dear life. "THIS is NOT fun! This is a NIGHTMARE!" He yelled at you, his tear-streaked face glared at you as the occasional street lights illuminates the car.
You laughed, taking a quick glance at the bespectacled blond. "Hey, you asked for it! No turning back now, Alfie!" You turned a left as you increased the speed again, leaving tire tracks on the sidewalks—yes, the sidewalks. In the morning, people would assume that a drunk driver was left loose in the streets at night.
"How was I supposed to know that you were a terrible driver?!" He yelled again, tears streamed down his cheeks once again. You grinned at him.
You both looked at each other, wide-eyed. "W-what the hell?" You mumbled. Looking up at front, you see your car smashed into Arthur's doors. Yes, the Arthur, the caterpillar-browed country. England, to be exact.
"I told you!" He panicked. "Step on it, Name! We're so not gonna die here!" He shook your pale body as you nodded and quickly drove away before Arthur could even see you.
From the rear-view mirror, you could see the Brit emerge from his door with wide eyes and an open mouth. You grinned knowing how bad you were. "Next stop (or crash), Francis!" You laughed, this time with America laughing along.
He was definitely coming along with you more on your midnight drives.
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