"Just breathe, Mc-chan, breathe.." Uraraka told you, rubbing the small of your back. You were stuck hiding in a closet with her while a killer with super strength was on the loose; looking for you.
It just happened so fast, you didn't even know how to begin.
You were the school's sweetheart. With the kindest of hearts and the sweetest of attitudes. You were rumored to be dating Katsuki Bakugou. Yes, Bakugou, the most explosive student of the school with the most explosive attitude and quirk. He was just so lucky to be dating you.
Imagine it, the sweetest and kindest girl of the school, dating the scariest and meanest boy of the school. Funny isn't it? But like most people say, opposites attract.
Then there was his childhood friend. He'd been head over heels for you since he laid eyes on you. Izuku Midoriya. Why he wasn't the one you're dating right now is because he'd always been a wimp around you. He's too shy to confess. Now, Katsuki was a wimp too. He couldn't bring himself to confess as well. It was you who confessed to him.
Anyway, back to the present. Here was Izuku, admiring you from afar as you sparred with Uraraka. A content sigh escaped his lips. He was contented with just this. With watching you from afar, never to hold you, never to call you his.
Your spar session finished, you and Uraraka shake hands, smiling at each other. "That was a great fight." He could hear you say. Your voice filled his ears, it was music to his ears.
"It was." Uraraka answered before letting go of your hand and walking off. You made your way towards Izuku and sat next to him. You never noticed the quiver in his hands when you were near him. You never noticed the blush on is cheeks whenever you spoke to him. You never noticed how much he admired you.
"Hey, Deku?" You ask the male after drinking from your water bottle. He hesitantly looked at you, showing that he acknowledged you question. You never noticed how his pupils would expand whenever he looks at you. "Do you know where Kacchan went?" With that question, his heart dropped. He knew you were too good for him. But you were too good for Bakugou as well. You deserved the best.
"N-no, not really." He stuttered, and once again, you never notice the stutter in his words whenever he talks to you. You never notice anything about him. Possibly because you never really pay attention to this boy.
"Oh, I was hoping you would." You replied, discontent was evident in your soft voice. "Well then, I'm going to look for him. Thanks anyway, Deku." You smiled, giving him a small wave.
He sighed sadly. He knows you'll never like him. He knows you'll never care. But why was he so upset? He just didn't know anymore. He just wanted you to care about him. He just wanted you to pay attention to him. To sum it all up, he just wanted you.
It was finally dismissal time. Midoriya walked slowly along the packed corridor, not acknowledging anyone who tried to talk to him. His shoulders were slumped and his head was held down.
He came across an unused classroom in the quiet corridor, he usually walks across here when he wanted to be alone. He heard voices talking inside. Midoriya was always the curious type. So he pressed his ear on the door to hear two familiar voices.
"Like I said, Kacchan, you should've told me where you went. You had me worried sick, you know." Came you soft voice that almost went unheard.
"Tsk, why do you always have to keep tabs on me all the time? It's not like you're my mom or some shit!" Bakugou voice cursed.
"Yes, I am not your mother, Kacchan. But I am your girlfriend, so it is only normal for me to worry." Your worried voice filled the whole classroom and the corridor. Oh how Midoriya wanted to burst in, envelop you into a warm, loving hug, and tell you that it'll all be fine. But it won't. Because as long as the problem was with Bakugou, nothing was fine.
Bakugou clicked his tongue once again before stomping towards the door. Midoriya stumbled away, hiding himself somewhere he won't be noticed. Bakugou stomped past his hiding spot before he reached the exit of the school. You came tripping forwards, following him as he ignored your calls.
Once you two were gone, Midoriya sighed, pressing his hand on his chest and feeling his quickening heartbeat. It just hurt him so much to see that you try to fit yourself in Bakugou's life. It hurt him to see that you didn't mind that he treated you badly.
Something overcame him but it left as soon as it came. Grinning to himself, he spoke softly. "Maybe, I should—" He shook his head, ridding the dark thought from his mind. "No, what am I thinking.. A hero never thinks that.." He sighed once again before walking home.
You were sat across Midoriya who silently wrote. You were paired up to do some sort of project but you wanted to be with Bakugou. Oh well, at least with him you won't do things yourself.
"Wrong, Deku. You're supposed to put that here. And this one there.." You corrected, taking his hand and pointing out his mistakes. He flushed red and nodded shyly.
"B-by the way, Mc-chan.." He trailed off. You gave off a soft hum to indicate that you were listening. "H-how do you put up with Kacchan? I mean, doesn't his attitude annoy you?"
"Not at all. He may be like that but he has a soft side. As his childhood friend, I expected you to know that." You giggled. Midoriya nodded, his eyes darkening for a second before continuing his work.
"What would you say if I had a darker side to this soft exterior..?" He whispered. You looked at him in curiosity, not hearing what he had said. "N-never mind. Please get back to work." He stuttered.
"K-Kacchan..?!" You exclaimed. You had found him somewhere in the school rooftop. His body was badly dismembered to the point that you almost did not recognize him. You stumbled back, falling on your bottom and scooting away. "W-who could have done this?"
"Why.. aren't you happy, Mc-chan?" A dark and familiar voice arrives your ears. Quickly turning around, there was your boyfriend murderer. "I did this for you.."
"For me my ass!" You cursed, stepping away from him. Fear consumes your body, you couldn't think straight. "H-how c-could you?! He was your childhood friend!"
Midoriya giggled, taking a step forward. He traces your jaws with his bloodied finger, grinning widely. "He was in our way." He sighed.
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