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"You have no shame, do you?"

"No, I'm not a prude who's afraid to even say the word sex. You need to loosen up and stop judging people who are open about their relationships and sex life."

"You don't tell me what to do."

"Sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex."

• • •

She's a prude basically, she doesn't like other couples showing affection, doesn't like the mention of sex or the genitals. Anything related to sex or relationships she turns her nose up at and gives a lecture about how people should be more respectable and reserved. She comes across a guy who is open about his sex life and he tries to make her see sense, this is modern day society and sex isn't something to be afraid of.

Do what you wish with that plot. (Could be a reserved guy and open girl)

You don't have to ask for it but please just remember to credit me!

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