~2~ Meeting Him

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The air around us changes as we enter the Hall room. Entering the hall room after 4 years feels so surreal. I never thought that I would step into this university ever again, but here I am.

"Mehu, V, the hall room didn't change a bit except the paint color hehe" Sara says bringing me back from my thoughts. "Yes, it feels so good and surreal" says Vihaan while I nod in agreement.


We 3 are in our own thoughts and suddenly a voice from behind us catches our attention "Hello to the Trio". I quickly recognize the voice and turn back to confirm and I was right. It's Jashwant. "Hello to you too lonely bear! How are you doing?" Vihaan asks teasingly. "Just fine, What about you and Sara?" Jash asks back making me gasp. "Heyy, Why wouldn't you ask me that question? Why only they both?" I ask while crossing my arms in anger. "Because everyone from the University and in the University know how you are doing and what you are doing." I let out a sigh after hearing these words from Jashwant's mouth. That's actually true. I myself see the articles posted about me on the internet and wonder how they got to know about this. Being the leading Fashion Designer in India and also the D/O 'The Oberoi's' has always made me be in the spotlight ~and I loved being in the spotlight but now, never mind~.

"Oh by the way, did anyone say you how cute you look when you try to pretend that you are angry?" Jashwant's says while winking at me. I roll my eyes and say "Yeah of course" "Ouch, that hurts. Who's that bastard by the way? I am ready to murder him by poisoning his food or something, you know." He says while trying to be serious but fails miserably ~as usual~. "Oh is it? V, can you please go and buy poison for me so that I can add it in Jashwant's food?" I say in a bit annoyed way. "Ouch, why do you always hurt me Mehu?" He asks and I raise my brow in response. "Alright alright! No need to plan a murder on me, you just kill me with your looks Mehu" He flirts ~as usual~. "Jashhhh, stop flirting with her, you both met after 4 literal years and so did we. Let us also talk to her" She says and I witness Kashish and Anmol walking towards us. "Hey Kash, I wasn't flirting. I was just spilling facts, you know." Jashwant says and gets a glare from Kashish.

"Ignore this guy like you always did Mehu. By the way, how are you? It's been 4 years. You and V kinda disappeared from the farewell and then stopped answering our calls and replying to our msgs. You both ghosted us while we are still in touch with Sara. Something happened on that day right? Is it related to A-" I interrupt her by saying "No. It's nothing actually. There was some family issue and business related issue so I had to cut off all the ties for a few weeks which later became months and then I thought you guys probably forgot about me." ~I lie~. "Of course not Mehu. We could never forget you. Okay leave everything behind now. We guys got back after 4 years. Let's enjoy tonight, What say?" Anmol suggests. "Of course Anmol. We are here to enjoy today" Vihaan says and I could clearly understand that he was trying to convince himself.


We 6 people then spoke about our personal life, professional life, love life, etc. It felt so good. I regret that I avoided Jashwant, Kashish and Anmol from past 4 years. I feel like I just left them abruptly. Trust me when I say this, I really wanted to say them about that day but I could not muster up the courage. I did not know how to face them. They are my friends but still I was afraid that they will not trust me or judge me. My brain was fucked up that time and when I got my senses it was too late. Everyone got back to their life. Jashwant, Kashish, Anmol, Him, everyone. I thought I lost Vihaan and Sara too but no, I was wrong. Vihaan and Sara were still in touch just like before and as Sara is my mom's and dad's friends daughter, I could easily reconnect with her. When I saw Vihaan after half a year, I quickly realized that he was also present there on that day and I didn't just made that up in my mind. I could read him and I immediately knew that he was also suffering.

My throat suddenly felt dry because of the flashbacks so I excuse myself from the group and walk over to the water table. I pick a bottle of water and try to open the cap but in vain. So I decided to go back to the group and ask someone for help. They'll probably roast me but it's completely fine, they have the full rights. I turn back still trying to open the cap and suddenly bump into someone and the very next second the bottle cap pops open making the water spill on that person.

The person was a she. She started moving her now drenched hair away from her face and I get a glimpse of her face and it doesn't take a mere second for me to guess that person. I mentally slap my forehead in regret.

"Oh My God, Are you a blind or what? You just destroyed my expensive dress" She says while rubbing her now wet dress. It was a lilac color fancy gown. I bet on my life that she did not buy it herself. "I am really sorry Sisira, I did not see you coming" I say and for the first time today she looks up at me. Her eyes widen when she realizes who just spoiled her so called 'expensive dress'. "What the fuck? You? What are you doing here bitch? And how dare you spill the water on my dress?" She barks and then I realize it's Sisira Chatterjee whom I am talking to. I can't be that soft with her. "Aishhhhhh, stop barking first. I am here because the Uni sent me an invitation. If you lost your memory or something, lemme tell you that even I was studying in the same batch and class as you and I was ranked 2nd in all the years so basically I am one of their best student." I basically flex. "About that water spilling thing, I am genuinely sorry. I didn't feel anyone's presence behind me." I try to make her understand but she is The Sisira Chatterjee so of course she does not understand it quite easily.

"Oh please Meher, stop fooling around. You literally disappeared from the University and our lives for 4 years. Now you randomly appear in a reunion party held by PU?" She asks but I just roll my eyes and let out a heavy sigh. I know Sisira very well and I also know what she is trying to do and where she is trying to take the conversation but I am not letting that happen. "By the way Meher, where did you disappear after the farewell? I heard that few students noticed you were crying on your way back from farewell. Were you actually crying? Is it true? Is it related to him? Is it related to his sister? Did you overhear some-" "Shut up Sisira" I whisper scream interrupting her. I see a smirk forming on her face. Shit! I gave her the exact reaction she wanted.

"Or what? You will again steal my man from me? Backstab me? Betray me?" Sisira says and that shocks me. How many times should I say this girl that I always wanted the best for her. How should I say her how much I did for her. I did not betray her or steal her person. In fact I even gave up on few things which meant a lot for me just for her. Tears start forming in my eyes and my throat feels so fucking dry again. "Sisira Li-li-listen, I don't know how to explain you things but trust me, I didn't do any of the things which you are accusing me of." My voice breaks in between and I am the verge of crying now. "Babygirl, you want to cry? Please do cry and entertain me. I love it when you cry, it has been years since I saw you cry. You do realize that you're not having your Guardian Angel with you, beside you right now, haina?" she starts her shit talk again.

( Translation: You do realize that you're not having your Guardian Angel with you/beside you right now, Am I right?" )

"Who told you that I am not there beside her, Sisira?" I hear a voice actually his voice. I hate it how quickly I recognize it. I turn to just confirm and yesss. It's him.

The Mr. Aarav KHADOOS Bajaj.

He nudges my left shoulder sending the waves right into the every nerve of my body. He stands beside me and gives a death stare to Sisira. "I guess you forgot about the warning I gave you in the classroom few years ago or maybe you thought that it was a short time warning but no, that warning lasts till the day I take my last breathe. So it will be really smart of you to just fuck off from in front of us." He says so intimidatingly. Sisira opens her mouth to argue but shuts it down the second he raises his brow. "It is the least you can do Sisira. Just fucking fuck off" He whisper shouts at her. She doesn't argue anymore and walks off to god knows where.

I feel someone staring at me and I very well know who that someone is. I hate how comfortable his stare feels, his touch feels, like why goddd??? Then I realize that I should face him today, bohot bhaag liya iss insaan se, mere past se. I turn to his side and we make an eye contact. I could feel that he wants to say me something. The way he is looking at me. DAMN God!! I take a step back and notice him. He's still the same. The very hot, mesmerizing, smart and cute Khadoos Bajaj. His abs and muscles are more evident now. His veiny hands and neck, he screams perfection. Shit, I've been staring into his soul and he has been staring into my soul for I don't know how many minutes. I decide to start the conversation.

(Translation: Then I realize that I should face him today, I have run enough from him, from my past. )

"H-H-Hii Mr. Aarav" I say with a racing heart 'what the fuck? Why did I stutter that much? Nevermind.' I scold myself internally. "Nice to meet you. After 4 years huhh" I say trying to act calmly and unaffected because of meeting him after 4 damn years. He let's out a huge sigh and says "Yeah, After 4 years Ms. Meher."



Finally posted chapter 2 guys.

What do you think about Sisira? What was she talking about?

You guys are losing your mind on thinking about the conversation?

Haha, have patience lovelies. Actually lot of patience.

Aarav's POV will be in 5th or 6th chapter.

BTW, you guys can take a chill pill cuz it is not a misunderstanding trope.

I myself hate that trope from the bottom of my heart.

Word count: 2013 words

Let's meet in the next chapter, till then you can follow me on instagram as I will post the spoilers on instagram.

Acct Name: anonymous_authorrrr .

Do not forget to vote guys, please vote. ( The star on the left side/beside the comment option )

Lots of love and kisses❤️

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