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The Galactic Frontier

The Galactic Frontier

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In the 25th century, humanity has expanded its reach across the galaxy, forming the Interstellar Union, a coalition of diverse species united under a common goal of peace and exploration. Captain David Orion commands the ISS Vanguard, a state-of-the-art exploratory vessel equipped with the latest in quantum hyper warp engines, advanced weaponry, and cutting-edge technology. As they journey through uncharted territories, they encounter ancient civilizations, unknown threats, and forge alliances that will shape the future of the galaxy."The Galactic Frontier" is a thrilling blend of drama, action, and sci-fi adventure, set in a richly detailed universe filled with diverse characters, advanced technology, and epic battles. The story delves into themes of exploration, loyalty, and the quest for knowledge, making it a captivating read for fans of the genre.…

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Random Stuff I Wrote.

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TW horror, murder, gore and all that jazz. A ton of oneshots of things I wrote over the years.…

Dark Secrets || JJK ||

Dark Secrets || JJK ||

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Aera, a skilled assassin goes to a boarding school. There she met Jungkook and his friends. Meeting them leds her to know the secret that was hidden from her from years ...Can she find out the complete truth about her past and family??…



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The Story of Nahiyata Arewa is the one that comprise the most important things such as Correction,Injustice,Betrayl and Revenge including Entertainment and Education, is a Falatable and testable story.…

The Cursed Village

The Cursed Village

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Intrigued and terrified, journalist Aisha travels to the remote community of Jatinga. The suspicious looks and unsettling quiet of the people reveal dark secrets. While lodging at a dilapidated guesthouse managed by an aged widow, she explores the enigma behind the renowned bird fatalities. Aisha raises suspicions with her ambiguous queries, but with the assistance of locals Rakesh and Meera, she discovers startling facts. Whispers of a witch named Aparna and her curse surface as she looks into it, escalating the eerie events surrounding her. Aisha is determined to lift the curse and put an end to the horrific cycle, so she must uncover the village's dark past.…

things i don't get

things i don't get

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as a person who's lived on this planet for 16 years, what 😭 ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY…



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Любовь, время, мираходец

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Короче была девка по имени дейви и она должна была следить за ло да и влюбилась в него как считаете какие у них будут отношения в будущем?…

Rema: Two Souls

Rema: Two Souls

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Ryan had a secret: he was a successful author, hiding behind a pen name. Fearful of losing Emma's genuine connection, he hesitated to reveal his true identity.Will Emma discover Ryan's secret and still accept him for who he truly is? Or will their love story remain forever hidden between the pages of that little bookstore?#romance#love#secret…