Read Stories 'Why Wouldn't I' [Luwei Cheng] - TeenFic.Net




'Why Wouldn't I' [Luwei Cheng]

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"-your like a book. People read you wrong and misunderstood a few things. " a soft voice filled the silent air among the two.

"How come you didn't read it, like them." a ster yet calm whisper asked while glancing at the girl beside him.

Looking at her appearance, brought back memories when they first form a bond that no one can replace.

Him a strong , fierce and hardheaded boy. With amazing strength and skills in Kung Fu. Everyone knows it. Somehow everyone also knows that this fierce dragon can only be tamed by a gentle and lovely butterfly. HIS butterfly.

"Because i tried to understood you"

[Luwei Cheng x Reader]

Art cover not mine, credits to the rightful owner
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