Jiang Cheng's Honest Feelings (Xicheng)
Having sent Wei Wuxian and his husband out to take care of business at the nearby Yao sect, Lan Xichen had taken the opportunity to invite his fellow sect leader Jiang Wanyin over for a visit. But as all good things it soon came to an end. Wei Wuxian had returned and since the handsome purple clad cultivator wasn't particularly fond of him, that marked the end of his trip to Gusu. But before he could leave Wei Wuxian not only gifted him a tiny silver bell but also dragged him along to a party hosted in Hanshi during which the bell anxiously jingled.pling pling plingBut this wasn't just any ordinary bell, this was a bell which made sounds based on its wearer's emotions. Allowing Lan Xichen to tell exactly what the Jiang was feeling, his honest and true feelings.This story is a total of 14 Chapters and there will be a new chapter every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday (30/12 - 30/1)…