Read Stories Venus - TeenFic.Net





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Book 1 in the Generations Series.

'Molly stretched out her arms for the child, Dumbledore gladly handed her over.

Almost the second that Molly took the child in her arms the little girl's eyes opened, she stared up at Molly with beautiful Hazelnut coloured eyes, blinking sleepily.

It was that moment that Molly knew she had to care for this child.

The Weasley family grew to eight that night.'

Venus Weasley, the second youngest child of Molly and Arthur Weasley has waited her entire life to go to Hogwarts, but when she finally starts at the school, she realises that her problems are far more than just having a differing hair colour.

New challenges face her every year, as she learns more about herself, whilst fighting for her life in the Second Wizarding War.

Any characters from the original Harry Potter books belong to J.K Rowling.
I own Venus and Mali.
This is my interpretation and is no way meant to offend anyone.
The picture for the cover I found on Google images, so credit to the photographer, although I applied any/all edits to the original photograph.
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