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"You don't realize how much you want something until you dream of it every night"
~Rahma Turaki.
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There's a thin line between revenge and justice.
For the young Rabia, life had never been fair to her.
However, she never sought a way out.That was, until an unfortunate event had her packing her belongings. Along with her best friend, Rahma, they left their village for what they hope was the best.
But fate...fate had it's own plans.
Never in a thousand years did the two girls imagined how their life will turn out to be once they left that village they grew up in.
One ended up behind bars.
The other's life got to changed, entirely.
But that wasn't the end of the story.
If was the beginning of it.
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R A B I A.
R A H M A.
By Ferdeausee_