With his Shijie is gone, the Wen remnant is gone, the whole cultivation world is going against him.....
Wei Wuxian won't forgive anyone.
Wei Wuxian is hanging off the cliff by a hand that is holding onto his wrist, 'Only Lan zhan is the one who still believe in me. I can't kill him nor hurt him. I can't let Lan Zhan to go back to Cloud Recesse.'
So Wei Wuxian decide to do one thing, 'San Lang will save me. I will get them! I will get revenge for Wen Qing and her family.' "Lan Zhan," Wei Wuxian put both of his feet on the stone, he put his other hand onto Lan Wangji hand.
"Wei Ying?"
"I'm sorry to do this," this confuse Lan Wangji, before Lan Wangji can say anything. Wei Wuxian push his knee away from the cliff, he pull Lan Wangji down with him.
"Wei Ying?!"
Wei Wuxian held Lan Wangji close, "Trust me, Lan Zhan."
"I do," hearing Lan Wangji said this, Wei Wuxian knock Lan Wangji unconscious.
This story will be very different from other story. It won't be the same. Wei Wuxian doesn't want to find the truth anymore. He just want to hurt them all.
# 1 - San Lang