Gonna be a skeleton of skelepuns and they're gonna be really skelefun and I'm really just skeledone with my life because I'm not humerus and its makes me feel so sad to the point I get bonely because all of my friends left me because I say too many skelepuns and they're super cringe-worthy and that's not good, it always causes a bad time and my friends also left because I'm always coffin and coffin ain't good so yeah that's a bad time too and I just can't even with these skelepuns and I just have a skeleton and its really giving me crippling depression because my skelepuns made my friends go away, leaving me bonely and being bonely isn't fun so I'm always skullking and that's also not good so now I'm not eating because of the crippling depression and so my family says I don't have the stomach for food anymore and I guess they're right I don't really know since I'm a bone-head and marrow-minded but my family tries to bring up my spirits by tickling my funny-bone but it never works.
(Please help me I may have a problem)
#1 in humerus