Ainsley Theron has it all - family, peace, and nature with the Hunt. But a demigod's life, especially that of a powerful one, is never easy, especially since the Wild whispers about a mysterious threat lurking in the shadows. When she dreams of an ambush, Ainsley embarks immediately with her loyal companions as the rescue party. However, what awaits her are the unknown icy words of the prophecy and...more suffering.
Book 3 of the Twins of the Hunt
If you haven't read Book 1 - 2 of the Twins of the Hunt, you should go read them. That'll give you context to this book. This on follows the plot of the Titan's Curse.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own PJO. It all belongs to Uncle Rick. Only the OCs are mine.
Started: February 2024
Finished: May 2024
Rewritten: August - December 2024