~ the first naughty girl ~

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The door to the basement swings open and all the ghost boys jump up in surprise. "Looks like he's got another victim..." Billy gestures to the figure in the mans arms. The boys all watch as their murderer places them on the bed.

Once he does, he kneels down beside the bed next to them, reaching his hand out in an attempt to pet their cheek. However, the figure gasps as they wake and jumps back into the wall, away from him.

"Don't fucking touch me!" They hiss as they curl their knees to their chest. The grabber, by the name of Albert, sighs. After a moment he glances to the black hood on their head, "Why don't you take that off?"

"Why don't you get fucked?"

The middle-aged man clicks his tongue, "Alright. I just wanted to look at you, is all." He finally stands up and looks down at them from the end of the bed. "Remember...you sacrificed yourself."

The figure stays quiet and Bruce and Robin both give each other a strange look. "Who the fuck would sacrifice themselves?!" Vance says out loud, looking to the person in disbelief.

The grabber then walks over to the door, "Well...I guess I'll be back later." he opens the door, but stops to look back at them one last time. "You know, I've never had a girl before." he says barely above a whisper.

Robin raises a brow and so does the other ghost boys as they walk closer to the person on the bed, trying to get a better look.

"And I've never been kidnapped before." they reply. Albert chuckles, "Then I guess we can both experience these things together." Then, he shuts the door behind him.

Robin notices the girl curl her mouth in disgust and then exhale a shaky breath. She slowly raises her hands to her hood, and drags it down, revealing beautiful and silky h/c hair, gorgeous e/c orbs, a soft round face with s/c skin, a cute nose shape, and nice full lips.

"She's...." Robin trails off, lost for words until Vance finishes his sentence for him, "...A fucking girl!" he cries out, finding it hard to believe the grabber had any interest in his opposite sex.

Griffin butts in, "He did say she sacrificed herself. Maybe for her brother or something?" The other ghost boys nod their heads in agreement. They all continue discussing the unusaul matter- except Robin.

The pale thirteen year old sits on the bed in front of her, watching as she begins to cry slowly, then the tears start running faster and she lets out a heart-breaking sob- causing the other boys to stop their conversation and look at her.

They've all been there before.

Robin especially, however, feels his already dead heart break in two. He doesn't like to see her cry for some reason. Usually, he wouldn't care for another persons tears. But he does for her.

The girl wipes away the wetness on her cheeks after awhile and gets off the bed. She begins to wonder around, probably looking for a way to escape like they all did. She ends up finding the cable Billy had hid.

She holds it in her hands and thinks as she observes the room, looking for a way to put it to good use. She thinks about using it on the window, but she knows that it'll just break off with her weight.

She sighs, not knowing what else she could do. It's clear she's getting frustrated as she continues to frantically look around. Almost all the boys got tired of watching as she tried things they already had before and went back to doing their own things, Vance playing with Griffin, Bruce and Billy playing truth or dare with the bottle, and Robin just sitting on the bed, still watching her.

He sees her groan loudly and throw the toilet tank on the ground close to Vance and Griffin, the glass rectangle crashing into a ton of pieces at how hard she threw it. Vance shouts, "What the fuck, miss anger issues?! That almost hit me!"

Billy scoffs, "You can't be talking about anger issues, Vance." the blonde boy rolls his eyes. Robin speaks up as well, "Also you're already dead, dipshit. So it wouldn't have hurt you."

The s/c skinned girl storms over to the door and starts banging on it over and over, screaming "Let me out, hijo de puta!" Then she just starts punching the metal rectangle, her knuckles crunching under the pressure.

She doesn't stop.

And her hands are dripping blood. All her knuckles being split open and her fingers becoming numb.

After nearly four minutes, the boys begin to grow worried because she hasn't slowed down even the slightest bit. Angry tears start to escape her eyes as she grunts and huffs.

Finally, Robin decides enough is enough.

He rushes over to the phone and it starts ringing, The noise making the young teen freeze with her fist in the air, about to collide with the door again. She gasps softly and turns around.

Her face is a soft red while her hands are a darker shade. Her wide eyes land on the black phone hanging on the wall, ringing. Hope fills hers eyes and she runs over to it, Billy and Bruce jumping out of the way even though she would've just gone right through them.

She picks up the device, "Hello? Is someone there?" She spills out, breathing heavily. Robin doesn't say anything for a moment, mesmerized by her face that is only a few inches from his pale one.

"Hello? Please please someone answer!..." She begs, her eyes starting to water even more as her hope slowly dies. Finally, Robin snaps out of his trance, "Punching the door isn't gonna get you anywhere..."

The h/c haired girl looks down at her hands for the first time, surprised by the mess she made, "...shit." she mumbles. She then shakes her head, deciding not to worry about the injuries at the moment, "Who are you? Can you help me?"

There's a short pause on the other end, "I think...Robin? And, maybe." he looks to the other boys as he guesses his name, the memory becoming foggy. The boys nod. It's a good thing they remember each others names from having to watch eachother's times in the basement.

The girl furrows her brows in confusion, "You think?..." her voice is soft and Robin feels the beating of his dead heart pick up- somehow. "You forget a lot of things when you die." He explains.

A gasp escapes the girls lips and she drops the phone. "No, no, no. No fucking way I'm talking to a ghost!" She backs up from the phone and starts to breath unevenly, "oh great, I'm going crazy..." She mumbles sarcastically.

Robin tries to call her back, "It's okay, there's nothing to be scared of!" however, his voice is very muffled due to her being so far away from the black object. Vance scoffs from next to her.

"Nothing to be scared of? If she knew-"

"Shut up!" Robin yells at him, not wanting her to be afraid even though she couldn't hear him. Robin tries again, "Please, come back." He says even louder to make sure she could her him. And, she does. Loud and clear.

At first, she just stands there looking at the phone, probably deciding in her head whether to comply or not. Then, after much consideration, she takes slow and hesitant steps forward.

When she reaches the phone, she picks it up and holds it up to her ear with a shaky breath. "What do you want?" she questions, trying to sound intimidating but was scared shitless.

I mean, she was talking to a dead person for Christ's sake.

"Your name?" Robin says, but it comes out as more of a question then a statement. The girl on the other end is silent for a moment, "It's Y/n." she says. Robin smiles, "That's a nice name..."

One of the ghost boys groan, "Please no flirting!" the voice belonging to Griffin begs, The Y/n girl catching it. She tilts her head, "Who else is there?"

Then, all the boys come up to the phone, introducing themselves.

"My name's Bruce"

"I'm Griffin"

"Billy Showalter- but you can just call me paperboy"


Y/ns mouth opens,

"Your...all the missing kids?"

A/N: This will be a series and I'll do a part two later on! I think you guys will love this bc I know I do already!

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