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Troubled little youth. Old version.

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This is an old version. I am slowly rewriting this. Please wait to read that one. It'll have some of the same chapter outlines but way better writing. It'll also have more characters and hopefully be more in depth as well as be longer and have a different ending. He thought he was a bad boy.
She thought she was a psychopath.
He was bad news.
She was worse.
He was angry at the world.
She just wanted to have fun in it.

When Ashila gets caught on the wrong side of the law again, her father has no other choice but to send her to the strict boarding school known as 'Prescott Boarding School a place for delinquents and troubled youth' she is downright pissed. However when she gets there she decides to have some fun. Her type of fun.

When Rylan finds out the only other dorm in his hall is going to be taken he's intrigued. After all his hall is only for the 'Class A' dangerous students, as the teachers and guards put it anyway. However when she gets there and he finds out that she's a she he's kinda annoyed that they class her as a 'Class A +' which is more dangerous than him.


A lot of colourful language and not the rainbow kind.

started this when i was young so it's not the best.
but i still put my heart into it so don't copy please i'm sick of it.
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