Read Stories Trapped In TVD - TeenFic.Net




Trapped In TVD

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My name is Mia and my life living hell. I'm sixteen years old and I live in a care home. I guess I just wasn't worth changing for or staying for. I only had two escapes from my hell like life and that was two TV shows called, 'the vampire dairies' and 'the originals.' On my sixteenth birthday I made I wish to go there and meet scooby gang and the originals and finally feel like I belong.

I thought it would never happen but when I woke up I wasn't in my bed, and I had someone else's memories as well as my own.

A/N: Right so when I made this book the first time I had no clue what I was doing. Today I found a rough story plan in my notes on my phone and thought it sounded good. I hope you like this idea and change that I made.
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