Read Stories The unknown pendragon (fgo x pendragon reader) - TeenFic.Net




The unknown pendragon (fgo x pendragon reader)

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We all know the bastard "son" of king arthur, the knight of rebellion. He who proclaims that he is the only heir to the throne, but what if i tell you that "he" is not the only one.

This is the story of the prince that is unknown to his family but known to many.

y/n pendragon, the son of guinevere and arthur but when he was born he was sent away by his mother. Sent to guinevere's sister vivian he knew his lineage he knew he is king arthur's son however he did not want the throne because he's the rightful heir he wanted to work for it. On the prime of his life he served as a knight for queen Elizabeth, he led the army to glory defeating the remaining saxons. but the most notable thing he did was when he slain jormungandr the world serpent he slain it using his sword excalibur origin.
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