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The Transplant ✔️

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He was a weak man; the kind of man who belittled others to further his own game. Oh, Jobe Boston was a good looking man in love... with himself. He loved his appearance, the bulky wallet in his jeans, and his effortless ways of persuasion. Jobe had plenty to be proud of, but one thing that he didn't have was selflessness. He gave nothing, and expected everything in return. His heart was a melon, one that didn't work and if it suddenly disappeared from his chest, no one would know. But one person is about to change everything: Jolie Drake. Jolie Drake is in need of help for the first time in her life, and the only one who can help her is the one man who doesn't help anyone.


"If all I had to give was myself, would that ever be enough?" He asked.

"If all I had was you, I'd have everything." I answered.

ChickLit #118
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