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The Silver Butterfly Protection

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"Because you're too perfect." He said sipping the alcohol again. I tried to remove it from his grip but he yanked my hand away ."That's enough you're drunk and you've had too much- "No Bella listen to me, you asked me why I was acting like a jerk ...I act like that because I love you, but that's not gonna happen because I fucked up too many times..... I'm too bad for you and you're just too perfect for me.." I really need to take him home he's really drunk.. "Jason stop this you're drunk... you're just saying that because you're drunk, you don't know what you're really sayin- " I LOVE BELLA MARINO SO MUCH!!!! I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU,BELLA , Shit!!! I LOVE YOU!!!"

Bella Marino is an average kind of girl with perfect grades who is never afraid to stand up for herself and anyone. A sunshine in the rain. She's new at Cameron High with a lot of problems she tends to hide from everyone except her close friends. She's an Italian who may come out strong but has a soft spot with a lot of questions. Jason Walker Patterson is arrogant, rude, dangerously good looking and a very troublesome player with good grades. He doesn't give a damn about anyone...

"I want it, I take it. And if I can't have it, then I'll destroy it." Is his well-known motto. He's a good recipe for a bad boy, not to mention he's British..

Two different worlds but they don't know what they share in common until they cross paths What happens when Bella's world collides with Jason's?

A very disastrous rollercoaster ride filled with humour. Hearts will be broken, friendships will be ruined and changes are about to take place.

Hope you all are prepared for unexpected things and hope you like surprises😘😘because you're in for a ride of unexpected events.
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