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The Secret (Book 1 of the Secret Series)

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I gasped and choked in pain. My body felt like it was on fire and I couldn't breathe. I could feel every nerve in me twitch and my body moved with it. No part of me was still. I was pulling at my restraints one minute, and then I was jerking in pain the next. There was no room for being still.
I could hear beeping and talking around me, but I couldn't make out any actual sound. It was all jumbled up and confusing.
I screamed in pain as it pulsed trough me. I pulled and jerked and pulled and jerked over and over again. My body wasn't in my control, I knew it wasn't and I hated it. I never wanted to be this out of control again.
"MAX!" I screamed his name as the worst of the pain came. It was all I could do. There was no getting out of this.
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