Silver Moon (Book 1.)

Silver Moon (Book 1.)

2,275 181 19

Hanna is leading an everyday normal life. Well as normal as she can imagine. Her dad is an abusive drink, because her mom was killed in a drive by four years previously.Her boyfriend was killed the same day in the same shooting and every day she blames herself for both. It didn't really matter because everyone blamed her. So now, living with the emotional pain and physical pain of that day, she is faced with a problem. She's adopted, and her real dad is a werewolf.And then there is Dean and Nathan who are twin brothers and they are supposed to help her, but only one can love her.The only thing....They both find themselves falling in love with her.Who will she choose? What will happen when she does?…

The Secret (Book 1 of the Secret Series)

The Secret (Book 1 of the Secret Series)

2,045 240 74

I gasped and choked in pain. My body felt like it was on fire and I couldn't breathe. I could feel every nerve in me twitch and my body moved with it. No part of me was still. I was pulling at my restraints one minute, and then I was jerking in pain the next. There was no room for being still. I could hear beeping and talking around me, but I couldn't make out any actual sound. It was all jumbled up and confusing. I screamed in pain as it pulsed trough me. I pulled and jerked and pulled and jerked over and over again. My body wasn't in my control, I knew it wasn't and I hated it. I never wanted to be this out of control again. "MAX!" I screamed his name as the worst of the pain came. It was all I could do. There was no getting out of this.…

The Vampire Bounty Hunter

The Vampire Bounty Hunter

533 72 14

I trembled as I pulled away from vampire that I had just fed from. I didn't know his name, or how I even got him to let me feed from him, but I liked it. He seemed to have liked it too, because when I tried to let him go and walk away, he grabbed my hand and pulled me back to his chest. Despite wanting to get away, I giggled in my stupid drunken stupor. I pulled away again and backed up. Someone caught me as I tripped over something. The vampire just stood there and watched as the guy who had caught me, pulled me into a van. "W-what's going on?" I pulled my arm away and fell over, then pushed myself up and looked at who was in the van with me. "Eli?" I hiccupped as he pulled out a syringe. I looked at it confused as he stuck it into my arm. "Ouch." I pulled my arm away again and looked at him with what I thought was a glare. "That hurt." I pushed on his chest, but I fell over backward and started to laugh like a moron. "You know... I-I figured th-that this would happen even-eventually." I told him as he got up front and started the van. "Where are you... taking me?" I demanded and then yawned. I was tired. "Just wait Princess. We are going to have a little fun." "I like fun." I mumbled and let out a long breath. "I'm... sleepy." "Then go to sleep." I felt the van move forward as I fell asleep like he told me to.…

My Art

My Art

607 0 103

So, I've decided to be like a lot of people and do an art book. So here we are. Hope you like it! I will take suggestions, if I can do it that is. And FYI, the first 28 or so are already pre-drawn, so don't get upset if I take a long to update. I'm not a magician. But I will hurry if I get a request!Like? Comment? Share?…

Blue moon (Book 2.)

Blue moon (Book 2.)

1,607 109 18

Hanna just turned 18. Her father, and step father killed. She's found the boy she loves, her mate, and in a turn of events, marries him. The events turn drastic though.Hanna has been poisoned and the only people who can help her are the ones who are after her.And now that she is alpha of the pack, she is troubled with the fact that two of her wolves have been kidnapped.The youngest of the pack, not even twelve yet, Albey, and Dean's brother, Nathan.All Hanna can think about is the pack and how they need an alpha, but what will she be able to do about herself?The new book in the series Silver Moon, thanks to my cousin Kamryn!!!!…

Warriors: The Ambush

Warriors: The Ambush

86 17 7

- Thornpaw is a loyal apprentice of Sunclan, ready to fight for and defend his clan when it is needed. He is determined to protect his clan when they hear about the strange disappearances, and also steal the heart of his friend Aquapaw. - Cliffwalker, an elder of Darkclan, is intrigued by the 'kidnapper' mystery. He'll do anything he can to know more.- Mythkit, a cheerful, bouncy kitten belonging to Moonclan, who also plans on being a medicine cat one day, encounters a mysterious cat and finds her life may never be the same again.- And finally Renegade, a grouchy rogue just on the outskirts of Lightclan territory, claims to know how to find the missing cats... But can they trust him?~ Four cats, a kit, an apprentice, an elder, and a rogue embark on a journey to bring home the cats who have mysteriously disappeared, and fear what may happen if their plan goes wrong.The clans could be destroyed.…

The Last Nephilim

The Last Nephilim

1,402 90 21

So I am not alone in writing this book just so everyone knows. I have teamed up with three of my best friends to write this book so I really hope you like it because it's not just my work. I don't have a description yet, but I wanted to let y'all know that DarkclawX4, LiaGurl99 and ashpup98 has been involved in writing this. they each have their own things they have written as well, so go check them out! Let me just say that I have had more fun writing this book with my friends than I ever have writing one alone and I have tons, so please give this one a chance. Anyway, so I really hope y'all enjoy! I will have a description up later just read for now.…

Forbidden Destinies

Forbidden Destinies

951 40 17

"Legend has it," Ace said quietly as he kept healing Ren. "four childeren will be born and two will be connected. Around the world, in all the realms, this would happen, and they will all one day meet. They will replace the courts, after a war, and either lead us to destructiond, or contiue in a better peace for thousands of years to come." Ren scowled and looked at Desmond who was also scowling. "What? I read." Ace muttered."How many... are there?""There's no telling." Desmond answered as Ace backed away. Now all that was left on Ren were four scars along his abdomon, and he didn't want to even know what his face looked like. He did know for a fact though, that it would add to the bad boy he wasn't. More people would fear him, and he was okay with that. The only person that he cared about other than his brothers, was his sister, who was now more important than ever."There could be thousands, but only eight sets, sixteen of them, will run the courts. Many will die in the war, but many will remain as royals among the realms. They will replace everthing and everyone. One set will be rulers over everything.""S-so Feye and I... we're going to be part of some war noone knows if we will die in, and if we live we'll be royals or leaders of a the court?" Ren questioned."Probably." Desmond nodded.…