This story will not follow any of dragon ball events (movies, anime or manga). It will be a whole different story with added OCs (not alot OCs anyway) and with other events, all from my imagination. I will change some things about Vegeta's past life a little bit for the sake of the story and for the reader to fit perfectly in the it.
Of course I don't own any of dragon ball characters.
This is a what if...story, means it's not connected to the actual dargon ball story.
What if Vegeta has an elder daughter who he thought died in the explosion of planet Vegeta? What will happen when Y/N discovers what her father has done all those years? What would her reaction be when she knows that her father is married? What adventures would she bring to the Z fighters?
So curious? Then read to discover the secrets.
By the way, you would be a few years younger then Gohan.