Read Stories THE ONE | Drarry |  - TeenFic.Net




THE ONE | Drarry |

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Draco Malfoy's mother is a pureblood veela and his father a vampire. His 16th birthday is coming up and he has to find out why Harry Potter's blood smells sweet to him. Meanwhile Harry is battling his own mind because he wants to tell his friends that he is bisexual but he doesn't know how they will react.Also Harry hopes that in his 6th year he'll find THE ONE he was looking for after he realizes that he is not who he thought he was.

!DISCLAIMER! I do not own the Harry Potter franchise it belongs to JK Rowling.
I originally got this idea from another drarry story so don't attack me if you know that story... The owner of said story is Drarryspotter (sorry if I got the name wrong)
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