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The NewType saiyan

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this story takes place after daemos was born with out a tail and a weak power level of 8 which deemed him the lowest low-class in history. however, instead of killing him, the queen of saiyans ordered for him to be nurtured at his parents home. being ashamed of the lowclass, Aoi Tori, a rare type of Saiyan who's parents quickly devised a plan to get rid of him somehow once they make more children with higher battle power. five years later, he is kicked out on the street to survive on his own in the caves beneath the surface. at 12yrs he fell through a dimensional rift and was brought to the time patrol.

after years have past, Aoi has two winglike sheilds grow from his back which is later called defence extension sheilds. during his time on the force, he becomes a force to be reckoned with in the dbz universe after learning about his true origins from whis. years later, after his battle with demigra, Aoi Tori is pulled into a dimensional rift due to the explosion from the energy from him and his nemesis power collision. he wakes up on the surface of planet vegeta, His home, planet vegeta. this is were it is marked in history where he will shake it to its core.
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