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The Mutual Attraction (#3)

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"I can't do this ! This is wrong !" she exclaimed loudly, trying to prove her point.

"Miracle, I really don't have time for this. I am sure whatever was decided was decided for good. Now quit whinning like a baby and get to work. I don't want our professional lives to be clashing with our personal lives. The rest of the discussion on this topic can be completed at home." He said in an overly calm tone that sent chills down her spine.

"Kayden ! How can you even agree to this marriage ? You don't even love me and you have a girlfriend already, for heaven's sake !" Miracle continued ignoring Kayden's demand. This wasn't right ! And she was going to prove it. She was going to make Kayden understand that there is no reason to put their lives on hold just because their parents thought they were perfect for each other. She didn't even feel anything for him other than a feeling of pure friendship.

Kayden's giant figure looming over her brought her out of her thoughts.

"My girlfriend can be discarded, Miracle. And once again, this discussion is over. Don't ignore my words, baby. I don't like to be ignored."

His cool minty breath fanning her face and the fact that he had to literally squat down to whisper to her made her stomach do a weird flip.

At that very moment, Miracle realised, that there might be a teeny tiny bit of a MUTUAL ATTRACTION between them.


This is the third installment in THE ATTRACTION series. To understand more about this story I suggest you read the second installation first. So you will know more about the characters. Other than that it can stand on it's own :)

(C) Copyrights 2014 - Trish_97 !

Cover credits - the_secret_box

Love Trish β™‘β™₯
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