❝ If you want my heart, be aware of the spades. ❞
Picture this: life as a deck of cards.
Matthew Clarke, the Golden Boy with golden locks and conceit in every inch of his green eyes, is the Jack of Diamonds, because his smile shines bright like one; and also because real ones are rare.
Aiden Stuart is the King of Spades, of course, because that smirk of his? Yeah, it can kill. But his words? Those will cut you open and let you bleed. But hey, maybe you'll like it since he'll do it with a wink and a cigarette. Everyone loves bad boys, right?
So, what could possibly bring these two archenemies together?
Yeah, you guessed it. The end of the world. Kidding! Me. (But, really, it's the same thing.)
And why? Because they make a bet to see who's going to be the first to kiss me and break my heart (I KNOW, cliché, right?). The thing is, I'm not someone they should have messed with. Because, my friends, I'm the Queen of Hearts.
And maybe, just maybe, what I really want is a Joker.
© imcountingstars10
original story | completed
( cover by graeysonn )