Read Stories The Curse of Ashenvale - TeenFic.Net




The Curse of Ashenvale

165 likes / 576 reads
Selena Sangre and with her so called childhood frenemies, Hezekiah and Crimson, were dumped in a village located inside the deepest parts of the forest of Ashenvale.

It was an old, outdated village where modern appliances are not allowed- electricity, TVs and even phones!

It was a frustrating crisis for Selena but she can't do anything but to suck with it.

And as she get to live in the place, there was... something off.


Something is definitely wrong.

The longer she stayed, the more she discovered that Ashenvale is not just a normal village but a village of witches and supernatural creatures hiding in human skin.

What's more, the people she most trusted all her life, may not be so human as they seemed.

And when her 16th birthday came, everything went upside down as a horrifying truth overwhelmed her.

She herself- might not be so different after all as her own curse slowly took form, hungering to awaken the darkest secrets of her family hidden for generations...

Secrets, that could open the gates of hell.

This is a story that defies human morale and understanding, where disturbing and terrifying ordeals becomes seemingly ordinary.

So, come and read.

If you're brave enough to do so, that is.

Have a taste of the finest curse of Ashenvale.

Status: Completed
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