Read Stories The Crown is Stained, But You're the Real Queen | Dragon Age Origins - TeenFic.Net




The Crown is Stained, But You're the Real Queen | Dragon Age Origins

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Briar Cousland had a comfortable life, the second born to a well-loved teryn who had any freedoms she liked. Then Rendon Howe betrays her father, and she can't even hunt him down and make him beg for mercy because some Grey Warden 'saved' her by forcing her into his weird secretive order.

Oh, and now she and the cute blonde warden are the only survivors of the battle that killed the king.

It was hard to stay optimistic, but Alistair kept her spirits up, and between fighting darkspawn and electing new dwarven kings, Briar thought she might want to kiss him.

He kisses her first. Brair's really a lot softer than she thinks.

Alistair Theirin x OC (Female Cousland)
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