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Thank You (V x Female Reader)

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what if v's first rescue mission was successful?

what if mc ended up drinking the elixir when ray offered it to her?


in this story, the first two questions become a reality. i guess you could say the roles were swapped.

as if it's not obvious enough, mc drinks the elixir when given to her. but, v also manages to save mc the first time around. it was a messy job, but it happened.

unfortunately, with you having the toxins in your body, you can't do much. seriously. you're like a pile of bones.


v helps nurse you back to health!

dr . mintman if you will ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

there are many spoilers in this story for V's route, and not everything is going to be symmetrical to the real thing.
none of these characters are mine, all of the art, characters (except mc technically),plot (mainly) belongs to Cheritz (creator of Mystic Messenger).

currently editing. SLOWLY. i have other works that i am tryna focus on. that includes the sequel of this story hehe
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