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'sᴘʟɪᴛ' || ʜᴇᴛᴀʟɪᴀ

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• when one America isn't enough •

"Why are there five, u-uh... W-Who are they...?"

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A pounding headache causes Alfred to excuse himself from a G8 meeting, but unfortunately, the pain sees him collapse, leaving him unconscious at the bottom of the stairs for a while. When he's eventually found by Italy... Well... Alfred is a fifth of the man he used to be, shall we say...

《 ☆ ☆ ☆ 》

Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia nor the original concept of the Hitman!AU

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🍀 1k reads - 12/08/17 🍅
🍀 2k reads - 22/10/17 🍅
🍀 3k reads - 20/01/18 🍅
🍀 4k reads - 22/03/18 🍅
🍀 5k reads - 11/07/18 🍅

[ burn this book someone please - ]
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