Read Stories Super Duper Short, Short Stories - TeenFic.Net

Short Story



Super Duper Short, Short Stories

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Here's a little something I did during exams.
If you guys comment and vote to show that you like my stories I will probably add more.
It's hard to find really short stories that you can read before you go to sleep on this site.
So here's a bedtime story for anyone who fancies. =D
Just read it already! =)
Tags: #700ft #above #adventures #almost #alot #awkward #baby #barney #bee #bells #biss #black #blah #blank #bob #bounce #boy #boyfriend #breakfast #burps #candy #cereal #chandelier #changed #charlie #cheeese #chicken #children #chilli #choclate #christmas #collect #colours #commander #cookie #cookies #corn #cow #cows #crazy #cream #crowd #cry #cullen #dance #day #daydreams #death #delirious #demon #desert #desire #die #dimension #doughnut #draw #dummies #duper #edward #egg #excruciating #eyes #family #fat #first #floor #food #freaks #frog #fun #future #garbage #gate #girls #goodnight #goth #graveyard #ground #guys #h2o #having #hell #hero #high #hole #horn #hot #hulk #humans #hurt #husband #ice #ignorance #imginarion #impromptu #intoduction #invisible #irregular #jack #jill #jingle #jumper #lamb #land #life #lighting #lin #little #lollie #lollipop #love #lucifer #lucky #lycra #mable #madman #magic #major #man #mary #max #midair #mike #milk #mime #moment #monastery #moo #mothers #mug #mum #naggy #nail #neat #new #night #ninja #nipple #note #omellete #oreos #pail #pain #panda #paperboy #parallel #park #pizza #poem #polygamy #popcorn #powers #pull #quack #rainbow #random #red #rooster #row #rubber #rupinah #sadist #satan #saviour #saw #scary #school #scrambled #screen #seesaw #she #short #sight #sleep #sneeze #snow #something #spongebob #spot #squared #stories #suicide #sun #super #through #tile #toe #trapped #tree #truck #twelve #ufo #under #unicorn #universe #vampire #varnish #very #water #wee #white #wild #yoga #yummy
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