Read Stories STRANGER - TeenFic.Net





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Summer Stephens bumps into the same person thrice in one day. Unbeknownst to her, she has set off a chain of events that will forever alter her life in a way she never would have imagined.


At first, he thought it was just a simple accident.
The second time around, pure coincidence.
But the third? Something had to give.
Something sparked inside of him and he promised himself to stop at nothing, until he has her.

One event gone wrong turns him into an unknown savior, but the turn of events force him into the shadows, leaving him to resort to becoming an unwilling stalker.

After a short period of time he disappears from her life, just as he appeared. But life for her is never the same after that and she is unable to move on.

Will he ever come back?
Will he ever show his face?

[[69 707- .. ...]] Word Count
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