Read Stories Snake Oil Lullabies and other ways to faint the belle: A Short Story Collection - TeenFic.Net

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Snake Oil Lullabies and other ways to faint the belle: A Short Story Collection

181 likes / 1,280 reads
Step right up and see the miraculous cure for what haunts you! The short story collection featuring a mysterious carnival ride, romantic cannibalism, a ghostly hitman, a vengeful voodoo priestess, and a new twist on a Mexican urban legend. Includes contest winners and previous anthology exclusives such as:

The Marbury Monster - Winner of the Deadly Kisses Paranormal Romance Contest
A Fair for Psychopomps - part of the Sharing Nightmares Anthology
Rare Love - part of The Decameron 2.0 Anthology
The Cockleburrs: part of the New Beginnings Oorah Anthology
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