Singular contact (Sonadow story)

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"Three essences--{Mind, Body&Soul}--two opposite sides--{Light&Dark.. Day&Night.. Sun&Moon..Life&Death.. Good&Evil..Black&White}--all come together in one universe and create the needed balance... for one cannot exist without the other" ~ creative writer and artist

Sonic the Hedgehog, our well known blue hero moved to Green Hills 4 months ago, where he made some friends and transfered to a new school. But one day, he gets a bit bad idea, which changes the lines of his life....

AN: this story is in movie Sonic style, but not based on the movie story; all the characters rightfully belong to Sega, i don't own any of them

This story has a continuation named "Singular contact: Falls & Rises" so you should check it out, it's in my profile ;3 enjoy!
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