The world is call remnant a mysterious place with mysterious creatures. The god of light had created a creatures call Pokémon they were once rule over remnant and been living for over an aeon's, ago before mankind appears and they protect and served humans for battle. With there great bounding with humans they became friends and family to them. They were the symbol of hope. But until darkness has arrived they call themselves Grimm the creatures of the night. The Grimm are The symbol of darkness of evil. They are at war against humanity, and Pokemon. For years the battle was never ended to them when the creatures of light just vanished leaving humanity defending themselves from the Grimm. 40 years ago before disappearance of the Pokemons many people believe they still alive somewhere. Some people believe they saw it or some people are keeping them safe somewhere away from the grim and the white fang. But one creatures didn't hide his name is Eevee has been surviving on his own without anyone that until he stop at the city name vale eevee was so excited to see the city and maybe makes some new friends on his way there.
[I don't own Rwby and Pokémon. And also the drawing. Enjoy this one don't worry I'm still going write kill la kill story. So enjoy this story. ]