Read Stories Running From The Law | TAEKOOK - TeenFic.Net




Running From The Law | TAEKOOK

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Taehyung was after a normal school day. When he came home, his father did the same horrors he does to his sister every day on daily baces, again. He couldn't bear to molest more of his father to his sister, and he killed him. Neighbors reported him to the police and he was arrested. In prison he meets: Jungkook, his partner in a cell, and the rest of his friends. Taehyung discovers Namjoon's plan to escape from the prison with all his friends and he decides to join.
Will they escape?
Will bromances be created between the guys?
Read and find out?

[First fanfic ever, so please support and be nice. Fighting!??]

[I wrote this when I was 13 so I apologize in advance for whatever this story is lol]
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